Gang Plus One (Saints Heroes Gang)

I think I may have an issue. I have completed bothe the Kill Killbane then the save Shaundi endings. I have the Daedelus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame mod. I have GOS and Unethical fragile with the crowd addon. I never see Saints in the streets. they also never come when I have 5 star notoriety - only when I call for back-up. In one instance outside a crib - there was one saint inside - Viola bloody cannoness. During a fight with 4-5 star notoriety I could hear her commenting but could not see her. I get no crashes or anything, everything else seems fine...just no saints.

I have also tried loading a save, exiting, then reloading the same save with no difference.

Any ideas?

Thank you!
Have you tried deleting anything GPO-related to see if the problem persists?

I've seen quite a few reports on the official forums from people who have the same issue, and I am inclined to believe it's a bug within the core game itself. GPO does not alter spawning chances or mechanics in any way - merely swaps the characters.
Good to know GPO is not the problem - love the extra characters - I have tried that(deleting GPO) then playing a most recent save - same issue, I will try others.

Regarding the swapping of characters - I still get civilians spawning in the various cribs regardless of the version I use - does that perhaps indicate where the game bug may be?
Do you think you could make a version that just adds the specialists to the gang customization options, preferably in purple, (unethical-style, not replacing anyone) and leaves everything else the same as vanilla?
Regarding the swapping of characters - I still get civilians spawning in the various cribs regardless of the version I use - does that perhaps indicate where the game bug may be?
Since you're using Crowd, then it means that either the game for whatever reason loads civilians instead of Saints, or, more likely, that it doesn't load Saints at all. From what I've seen it's a pretty random and not overly common bug - I'd suggest starting a new game and rushing it to the point where you'll own at least one hood entirely, to see if Saints will spawn then. Kind of a shit advice, as I, myself, am not sure if it's actually random or s a result of specific X's + Y's.

Do you think you could make a version that just adds the specialists to the gang customization options, preferably in purple, (unethical-style, not replacing anyone) and leaves everything else the same as vanilla?
Unethical is more about additions rather than replacements - the only options missing at the moment are some generic gang grunts, and those are likely to be added back after "The Trouble with Clones" comes out, since by then I'll know how many new characters that pack adds and will try to add as much vanilla choices as possible. And purple-only palettes for colourable characters will be an option in v1.1.
Unless, of course, you have problems with particular character groupings, like generic Saints being in two different groups.
Hey, any advice is good advice - your help is appreciated. I should have clarified that I get twice the amount of saints in any given penthouse than without crowd addon so thats cool - but get civillians in addition. Seems to be mainly in the downtown location.

I do remember a few times where in battle where this worked great(spawning) with GPO and crowd. Seems to me after doing the 2 endings and having the daedelus/thermopoly mod installed is when the spawn bug appeared.

To confirm "own at least one hood entirely" does this mean all activities as well? And would the daedelus mod have any effect on spawning(hope not because love this mod as well)?

Thank you again for your help and any suggestions
To confirm "own at least one hood entirely" does this mean all activities as well?
All activities/gang operations in a given area. Just look at your map and see if all blocks within a highlighted neighbourhood are coloured purple. Only then do Saints start spawning ambiently, replacing rival gangs.
And would the daedelus mod have any effect on spawning(hope not because love this mod as well)?
I don't see how it would - as far as I know it deals with a completely different part of game innards. Though you better ask Idol.
Problem solved! Wow, this mod is even better than I first thought. Followed your advice in playing the game through - well not all the way, rather an earlier save. Cleaned out all mods - verified cache through steam - reinstalled all mods. Worked like a charm so not "shit" advice after all. Dont know what did it but its all good now - thanks man!
Hey first of all I want to congratulate you on a great mod, loving all the color schemes. Only on thing I seem to be having a problem with, When ever I to the zombie island I can't seem to find any saints spawning anymore, were the spawns that made them been removed a while ago?
Hey first of all I want to congratulate you on a great mod, loving all the color schemes. Only on thing I seem to be having a problem with, When ever I to the zombie island I can't seem to find any saints spawning anymore, were the spawns that made them been removed a while ago?

I can confirm that the mod works great on zombie island. Saints and zombies everywhere!