Gang_Saints Kaneda

If you choose to customize a Kaneda for use as a Saints gang vehicle
it will have to be done via Xtbl.

Several pages into the SR2 mod requests was a post asking for a Saint's Kaneda.
and since I have never seen one and since I had nothing else to do this evening
I thought I might see about creating one and maybe writing a little tutorial
about it.

The first thing that has to be done is to open the bike_exotic01_veh.xtbl file and
remove the following lines.


That's all for the veh file unless you want to change the vehicle name, To do that
you would change the name in this line:


Save your work and move on to the bike_exotic01.xtbl.

This code refers to the decal on the bike:

                      <Slot>Decal 1</Slot>
                      <Component>Decal 1</Component>

If you want the decal to be left on the bike leave it 100
if you want it removed then set it to 0.

Here is the code for the Gang_Saints variable

                  <Name>Option 1</Name>
                      <Slot>Decal 1</Slot>
                      <Component>Decal 1</Component>
                      <Slot>Body Color</Slot>
                        <Color_Pool>Gloss Harlequin Purple</Color_Pool>
                      <Slot>Rim Color</Slot>
                        <Color_Pool>Metal Gold</Color_Pool>
                      <Slot>Trim Color</Slot>
                        <Color_Pool>Metal Gold</Color_Pool>
                      <Slot>Window Tint</Slot>
                      <Component>Window Tint</Component>
                        <Color_Pool>Glass Purple Light Tint</Color_Pool>
          <Wheels />

There are some vehicles that have a llot of customization options and there are some
that do not. The Kaneda is one of the latter.

The only performance option that you can change is Nitrous and you would have to add
code to the xtbl to for that. That is beyond the scope of this tutorial but if you
read some of the other tutorials on this site you can probably figure out how to do it.

The only other customization options besides the paint is the decal mentioned above.

So on to the colors.

Body Color is Gloss Harlequin Purple
Trim and Rim colors were originally <Color_Set>Metal</Color_Set> and had to be changed to <Color_Pool>Metal Gold</Color_Pool>
The Window tint (the part covering the headlight) is Glass Purple Light Tint

The yellow stripe across the bike is part of the texture files and can't be changed without editing them.

Yellow Strip.png

I have not added this to the gang_customization.xtbl. The information on how to do so is in the seneral information section of

I am including the extracted texture files in case someone wants to remove or recolor that yellow strip. I am also including all the vehicle files
for the Kaneda. If you do decide to change the texture color remember to drop those files in the mods folder as well. (Using Masamaru's pegtool
is covered elsewhere on the site.)

To install drop the _veh file and the cvtf file in your mods directory and recompile your patch, then drop it in the game folder.
To remove just delete the cvtf and _veh file from the mods folder and recompile again.

