Gat out of Hell 5 min walkthrough

I was going to skip this one. But now... Have any details of pricing been released?

(Of course, even if I don't get it on release I will at the inevitable steam sale)
Looks pretty neat. I'm excited to fool around with the new flight features, really hope they include some all new diversions and activities, not just re-skinned old stuff, please. I'm a little disappointed to see the world filled with clones of SR4 activities already (control points, wardens). If we get another variation of Insurance Fraud, I'm going to shit a brick.

From the quick glimpse we got of it though, Hell looks pretty damned cool. Especially the flight feature, which looks to be very fluid and control beautifully, just like the superpowered movement in SR4.

The weapons look fun to use, especially the God's hammer, the Shock Hammer ain't got shit on it! (Although it would probably look cooler with its idle animations, I'm sick of that shoulder carry used for every melee weapon!) The recliner weapon is a very cool nod to the Futurama series, now if only it could fly... Now we just need some holy hand grenades.

I really hope that it will be possible to integrate this new content into the main SR4 game at some point, although it would likely require a lot of work.
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This only confirms that I'll be getting it...Though I might get it for my PS3....since I am pretty much beating the crap out of my laptop with the games on it now...
Literally Hell YEAH!

Boone! Boone! Boone! Boner! Boone! Boner!