1. You can't compare the 360's processor cores to PC cores just on clock speed alone. The 360 has PowerPC cores, the PC has x86 cores - the architecture is massively different. No matter how you rephrase it, the 360's 3.2GHz cores are _not anywhere near as powerful_ as any available x86 processor at 3.2GHz. They're _simpler_ to make them _cheaper_. It turns out that CPU isn't where most games bottleneck though, that's usually the graphics. Saints Row 2 runs badly on PC because it was really badly ported and does not make proper use of the PC's high frequency timing. It is a bug, pure and simple. It's not because it's optimised for 360, it's because the porting team really fucked up and didn't have a clue what they were doing.Even on a 4.0 ghz turbo i7 Saints Row 2 will run slow because it was optimized for Xbox 360's 3.2 ghz. So, I think we are both looking at different things. You're talking about THEORETICAL performance. What I'm saying is that a game optimized for a specific machine, needs less wiggle room. Example. Let's build a PC with the exact same specs as an Xbox 360.
3.2 ghz Triple core processor
512 mb ram
Ati Radeon x1800
Now, let's play Skyrim at 1080! Uh oh! Well, we might be able to run it at 720.....at 15 FPS......no shadows.....no AA.....or reflections......it still crashes....almost always. So, you are definitely correct that our modern PC's are faster then home consoles from 2005, but raw power doesn't always equal better performance. Look at ID's game Rage. It runs better on consoles, no matter how much power you throw at it, because bad code cannot be just strong armed through those cores. You can run it at higher resolutions, and bump a little more out of it, but you'll still get stutters, and horrible texture pop in. Not because of lack of power, but because of bad development. So we are really debating two different things. Your talking about power, and I'm talking about games being coded correctly.
2. Consoles only render Skyrim at 720p anyway. If you're running at 1080p on a Console, it's really drawing it at 720p and then upscaling. So a comparison between 720p and 720p would be fairer.
3. a X1800 will actually give better Skyrim performance than that anyway - and the console graphics levels fall somewhere between the PC Low and Medium levels - EXACTLY where the x1800 sits for approx 30FPS performance.
4. Your Rage example is yet another reason why I keep saying "sensibly coded" or "well written". A really badly written game will run like ass, no matter what on.
I'm not claiming that a game that is clearly a bad console port is going to magically run better on PC - as I keep saying, it needs to be sensibly written for PC. What I'm saying is that consoles are far less powerful than current or even contemporary PCs, and that they are massively holding back gaming as a whole. Developing solely for consoles and then at the last minute doing a half-assed port to the PC is always going to show PCs in a bad light. Games that are developed on all three major platforms (PC, PS3, 360) from the start inevitably run or look better on PC. I'd love to see some games primarily developed for PC show what the platform is really capable of.