All hints are at the bottom of the screen with prompts next to them you dont need the tut , and I woudnt start at both ends your more likley to mess up on the harder ones that have extra parts , just dont look what parts you got and just imagine what part you need and that part 99% of time you happen to have, if you have good sence of direction its pretty easy, I just thought of it like navagating a new set of streets iv not been to before
th extra time reward is one of the best things for it as you said tho deffo
Well it worked for me fairly well. Personally I have no sense of direction whatsoever, I'm much more apt at looking at it like I was trying to put together a map. The strategy Ellix suggested is one that I used several times as well. I also sometimes just look at the puzzle and work out the solution in my head. Mostly I'm not trying to suggest any one way of doing it, but another method that may work for him.
I don't know why I missed the commands at the bottom of the screen for so long though. Maybe the pressure of the clock ticking down caused me to neglect reading them carefully.
Also a thing to note is that the amount of time you get is tied to the difficulty setting of the game. The higher you have the difficulty setting, the less time you have to solve it. It varies from 1.35x to 0.8x depending on the difficulty setting. So if you don't have enough time, lower the difficulty setting for more time.
Personally, I just edited difficulty_levels.xtbl so the hacking timer multiplier was like 50x and now I have all the time in the world to solve them.
This applies to other activities as well apparently, which is very nice to know.