Heli Homie- Heli Delivar!

San, I'm just gonna come out and ask it..
You own a Legal copy of SR:TT on STEAM, yes?
The problem is that you know exactly what you mean by "Coding is with your friends", but we don't.
What do you mean when you say Coding?

I mean what i MEAN LoL i just kidding...i dont know so much about "codes" you know know...those .LUA, .XTBL those Xitablel things
I mean what i MEAN LoL i just kidding...i dont know so much about "codes" you know know...those .LUA, .XTBL those Xitablel things
So what you're trying to say is:
"You're not very good at modding and you would appreciate if someone could create that file for you and upload it to the site?"