SRTT Help to create a character

Well I wanted to see if anyone can give me advice or help me to create a character for my girlfriend from the character Hitori Bocchi in SRTT / IV, thanks to whoever decides to help me.

I'm not very good at using the editor in the game and I want to make it as similar as nice as possible.
Wrong forum. Ask Volition is a place to... ask Volition questions.
As for your character, The Saints Row character creator creates more realistic looking characters. How do you expect someone to make a cartoon character with extremely sparse and generic facial features?
Just make a character with a similar shaped head, and then give them a tiny mouth, tiny nose, and massive far set bug eyes.
Wrong forum. Ask Volition is a place to... ask Volition questions.
As for your character, The Saints Row character creator creates more realistic looking characters. How do you expect someone to make a cartoon character with extremely sparse and generic facial features?
Just make a character with a similar shaped head, and then give them a tiny mouth, tiny nose, and massive far set bug eyes.

Oh I see I am sorry for that I am new to this forum, well you are right at that point anyway thanks for it