I wouldn't mind a step by step process list either. Then again, I mostly only want to change Miller, cause I don't really use others xDHello!
Could anybody please tell me how to get those "White House NPCs"? I'm new here, so sorry for asking, but please..
I do already have the character.XTBL file, but what do I have to edit/do? Thanks
okay makes sense I think..going to delete my first post. NEWB question; do I find the charator.xtbl in my game files?Open the character.xtbl file in Notepad++.
Look through character.xtbl for the NPC you want, looking for the version that has "prez" in the name, such as "saints_female_shaundiprez".
Note the name.
Open the homies.xtbl file with Notepad++.
Look for the internal name of the NPC you want to change, such as "npc_shaundi". (I have no idea what her actual line says.)
Change that internal name to the presidential version.
I haven't tried that myself, but these steps are what i'm coming up with from the rest of the thread.
OMG never thought I'd say there was such a thing as too many Miller's...considering I love him to death but...thats WAY too much. Kinzie would probably go on a killing spree xDNow all I need is to figure out how to have an Army of Matt Miller clones like in this pic, but all in different outfits... Say, how does one go about getting an army of Matt Millers? Have a portal spawn them or something? That'd be something...