SR2 How are NPCs clothed/made?

Unfortunately for SR2, due to issues arising from the original port (specifically, nobody is quite sure where the final version of the code lives), our ability to modify and add features to the actual game code is pretty much zero at the moment. We do have the code for all of our PC asset creation tools, however, so I'm hoping to be able to provide a set of tools that will allow you to do most/all of the things you're mentioning here, at least in the case of swapping in a replacement for a built-in NPC.

For SR3/SR4, the process for creating NPCs changed, and they are constructed directly in 3ds max instead of built using the customization interface. We definitely want to open up the ability to add new NPCs to the game, though, so I'm looking into providing tools and documentation for the character mesh format and associated table data, and a character mesh crunching tool. I don't have any ETA for this at the moment, but I'll try to keep you up-to-date as much as possible.
I thank you Mr Plow for the info and all the good work you do.:cool:
Thank you for providing an awesome image for my avatar.
You're welcome bro.
I was hoping you would use that as your avatar and you did.
Now I gotta get you a Mr Plow
Unfortunately for SR2, due to issues arising from the original port (specifically, nobody is quite sure where the final version of the code lives), our ability to modify and add features to the actual game code is pretty much zero at the moment. We do have the code for all of our PC asset creation tools, however, so I'm hoping to be able to provide a set of tools that will allow you to do most/all of the things you're mentioning here, at least in the case of swapping in a replacement for a built-in NPC.

For SR3/SR4, the process for creating NPCs changed, and they are constructed directly in 3ds max instead of built using the customization interface. We definitely want to open up the ability to add new NPCs to the game, though, so I'm looking into providing tools and documentation for the character mesh format and associated table data, and a character mesh crunching tool. I don't have any ETA for this at the moment, but I'll try to keep you up-to-date as much as possible.

Another programmer and I changed the creation process for NPC's for SR3, and that of course carried over to SR4. I should mention it was changed by no fault of Mike of course the direction of NPC's was quite different and the process actually had to change. Mike should be able to assist with SR2 as he is much more familiar with that than I am. I may be able to release the template files for creating the meshes that were used for customization and npc's in SR2. As I mentioned in another thread, I will be working on releasing tools and assets for constructing npcs and customization items that can be used for SR3/SR4. Keep an eye on the following thread.
SNPCs were created specifically for story cutscenes. They were baked down versions of a character that traded performance for memor; that is, they were assembled in MAX and exported into their final target file, as opposed to CNPCs and NPCs, which used the same modular construction that the PC.

Just for giggles, this is a list of sNPCs and cNPCs that was in an old email from our lead cutscene guy, Ev

Archibald Nice
Chuck Mueller
Dex (Piracy)
Doctor Angie Lucas
Doctor Sheldon Mercer
Jane Valeramma.
Legal Lee
Madam Wu
Monica Hughes
Officer Taylor

Airport staff - Richie the Baggage Handler
Bartender - Female
Bartender- - Male
bass player
Body guard 01 - Ultor Goon 01
Body guard 02 - Ultor Goon 02
Body guard 03 - Ultor Goon 03
Body guard 04 - Ultor Goon 04
Brotherhood goon 1- Male
Brotherhood goon 2 - Male
Brotherhood goon 3 - Female
Brotherhood goon 4 - Female
Businessman Cinlib
Business Male 01
Business Male 02
Business Woman 1
Business Woman 2
Business Woman 3
Business Woman 4
Camera operator 1
Camera operator 2
Carlos - torn up
Carlos - Prison Variant
Cop1 / Baliff
Crazy Salesman
Creepy guy, with coat rigged so he can flash
Crossfire Host 1
Crossfire Host 2
DJ Veteran Child
Doctor01 - Female
Doctor02 - female
drum player
guitar player
Happy Newscaster Girl
Hobo Ped 01
Hobo Ped 02
Hobo Ped 03
Hobo Ped 04
Hobo Ped 05
Hobo Ped 06
Hobo Ped 07
Hobo Ped 08
Hobo Ped 09
Johnny Gat (normal street clothes)
Johnny Gat - funeral attire (suit)
Johnny Gat - bandaged
Junkie 1
Junkie 2
Junkie 3
Junkie 4
Junkie 5
Junkie 6
Legal Lee
Maero - No Shirt – tattoo on face with his left side of face burnt
Maero - No Shirt – tattoo on face (both sides)
Maero - No Shirt – tattoo on face (one side)
Maero - Shirt –tattoo on face (one side)
Maero - Shirt, and tattoo on both sides, one scarred
Male Business 01
masako 01
masako 02
masako 03
masako 04
masako 05
Masako 06
Matt - bandaged hand
Minister's Assistant
Mr Sunshine -Earless
Mr Sunshine - Earless, Blood Running down neck
Mr. Sunshine
Mr. Sunshine - head morphs
Mr. Sunshine Bandaged Version
Mr. Wong
Paramedic 1
Paramedic 2
Ped01 - female
ped01 - male
Ped01 - male middle aged
Ped02 - female
ped02 - male
Ped02 - male middle aged
Ped03 - female
ped03 - male
Ped04 - female
Ped04 - male
Ped05 - male business
Ped06 - male business
Ped 07 - female business
Ped1 -female athlete
Ped2 - female sorority girl
Prison Guard 01
Prison Guard 02
Prison Guard 03
Use Nurse
Ronin 1
Ronin 2
Ronin 3
Ronin 4
Ronin 5
Ronin 6
Ronin Lt. 01 Male (Bodyguard)
Ronin Lt. 02 Male (Bodyguard)
Room Service Guy
Saint01 - Male
Saint02 - Male
Saint03 - Male
Saint04 - Male
Saint05 - Female
Saint06 - Female
Samedi Soldier 01 - male
Samedi Soldier 02 - male
Samedi Soldier 03 - male
Samedi Soldier 04 - male
Security Guard
Shaundi - workout clothes
Shogo - phony version
Skateboarder 1
Skateboarder 2
Sons of Samedi Extras (1-4) (Dead bodies)
Stripper ver 1
Stripper ver 2
The General
The General -head morphs
Tobias - pilot uniform
Ultor board Member 1
Ultor Board Member 2
Ultor Board Member 3
Ultor Board Member 4
Ultor Board Member 5
Ultor Board Member 6
Ultor Board Member 7