SRTT How do I activate the rare carjacking npc execution (interactive prompted animation) for stealing a car?

When playing saints row the third on PlayStation 3, I encountered a unique interactive animation, similar to the melee attack prompted animations, but this was when stealing a passing car from an npc. The player assumes several different types of animation for carjacking. This one in particular involved an interactive animation in which the player executes shooting the npc driver several times as part of the carjacking theft animation interaction.

Several years later I am playing on pc now and I am wanting to figure out how this unique and rare animation was activated.

The animation played out like a normal carjacking but the main character player suddenly starts shooting his pistol at the npc driver in the head, with button prompts on screen for me to interact with, once the animation was complete the shot npc is pulled out and the car is stolen and driven away resuming the gameplay.

After asking ChatGPT how to activate this rare animation, it recommended that I equipped a pistol and created the right conditions for this to happen, like having notoriety and shooting said pistol before trying the carjacking to get this animation to activate.

After hundreds of hours of play time I’ve only ever seen this rare animation like twice, so learning its trigger would help me in activating it for purely entertainment value purposes.
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I assume that the carjacking animation you're asking for some how did not make its way to the pc port.
I've been playing Saints Row The Third for years , yet I haven't encountered this animation.
They probably scraped it by accident alongside the parkour animation ,and somehow it is still present in the ps3 port.
That's the only assumption i have
Any news ? Have you encountered the animation on pc ?
Hey there, I didn't get notified of your first message, anyways after doing some research I believe this is purely a unique animation that occurs more frequently when duel pistols are wielded, here is a link to this animation playing out in this youtube clip xbox 360 gameplay:

Hey there, I didn't get notified of your first message, anyways after doing some research I believe this is purely a unique animation that occurs more frequently when duel pistols are wielded, here is a link to this animation playing out in this youtube clip xbox 360 gameplay:

I'm sorry to tell you that i have never encountered that animation before , I've been playing the pc version for years , And the fact that this is an xbox 360 gameplay supports my theory of being scrapped alongside some resources, but i will try to trigger it and tell you the results , i suggest that you don't buy the explosive ammo upgrade and try with dual wielding upgrade .
The player is at level 10 , so I don't think there's need to gain respect or other upgrades.
That's all the advices that i have , good luck.