Actually, i find it easier to use once you just start using it.I had resistance to using it for a month then saw the light after
discovering his SR2 compilation. (I didn't play any SR2 until I had experienced SR3)
Waited until the Sr3 GoS compilation matured and am now using that mostly.
I only use xtbls that are newer versions of what is in GoS compilation in the mods installed in the game exe dir now.
Most of the mods I have installed are now part of GoS. It can help you avoid conflicts. One can either used the compiled option
and place the resulting files in the /pc/cache dir (overwriting the ones in there) or do the loose option. I prefer to let GoS compile.
If I have mods that conflict, any xtbls in the game exe dir will take precedence over stuff placed in /pc/cache (so i'm told)
I do have a fair number of xtbl mods though, some arn't in the compilation, others are ones I had to mix to get along.
Less xtbls to juggle , in the end.
That's my theory anyway.
You can always have it fix up the 'loose collection' and go to the directory it creates those in and just install the old school
xtbl's if not wanting to mess with the compile method.