How The Saints Saved Christmas: Ice Glitch

I got the same problem, Threw the fire blast all over didn't help. And I don't know how exactly to uninstall all my mods :/
Does anyone know which specific mod causes this issue?
Personally, I think it's any...all....none. I uninstalled all mods except customization_item.xtbl which has a handful of changes and still no good. Removed all mods....still no. Deleted everything and re-validated...still no. I give up. Seems pretty lame to lose awesome mods for mediocre DLC.

EDIT: Double checked and even with 100% no mods the "ice" is just water.
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Odd, I have the newest version of Idol's vehicle and wardrobe color change mod and a stockings mod installed and I had no issues at all.
Personally, I think it's any...all....none. I uninstalled all mods except customization_item.xtbl which has a handful of changes and still no good. Removed all mods....still no. Deleted everything and re-validated...still no. I give up. Seems pretty lame to lose awesome mods for mediocre DLC.

EDIT: Double checked and even with 100% no mods the "ice" is just water.

Are you sure there isn't some zone loaded from Sandbox+ that is interfering? Even if the mod is removed, that zone would still be a part of your save file. Try the newest version and before starting the mission use R+INSERT to clear all zones.
It worked Idol, for more than one glitch in the mission, if I may as how can it be the patch we need for morph still hasn't been put in?