Character Customization I hate the new character editor.

You know what's my biggest problem with the CC? When I want to have my main OC in the reboot. I'm not saying you can't create nice looking characters but believe me I tried for hours create my OC but with lack of sliders it's impossible. I spent like 2000 hours playing as one character in TT and IV and I'm sad I can't have her in the reboot as well :sadge:

More face sliders would be nice, i wouldn't mind something more like Black Desert which allows the player to modify butt, waist, hip and height.

But most importantly ATTRACTIVE presets would be even better. Available ones are HIDEOUS, NASTY AND HORRIBLE and only suitable for MONSTER type bosses.

Skyrim has like the Shittiest Character Creator, head, eye, nose and mouth. That's it. But the presets were good which making attractive characters is easy.

Also, there are no flower/rose tattoos for the belly in Reboot :/ my boss is also supposed to have Wavy hair, but most games seem to hate curl/wavy hair. The Sims games always had a good share of them hairstyles.

I also created Niko Bellic share code: edsbbxx

But i am not quite satisfied, i might go back and try to make him look even more like he does in GTA4


  • edsbbxx.jpg
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You know what's my biggest problem with the CC? When I want to have my main OC in the reboot. I'm not saying you can't create nice looking characters but believe me I tried for hours create my OC but with lack of sliders it's impossible. I spent like 2000 hours playing as one character in TT and IV and I'm sad I can't have her in the reboot as well :sadge:
I can relate a little with this, however I saw your character and she looks pretty good to me sad you weren’t able to bring your OC. But hopefully with new dlcs more stuff gets added to the reboot

I messed around with the character creator before the game came out, and it felt very bland and under-whelming to me. They seemed to really go all in with the facial features settings, which I suppose is a good thing, but a few things really annoyed me. First, no sex appeal slider like SRTT and IV? I mean, I hate to resort to SR Fanboy cliche here and jump on the whole "They went woke!" bandwaggen, but why remove the ability to make huge, cartoon boobs? More importantly, though, I didn't like working with the starting templates of the bosses. I thought they were all lame, and it really felt a whole lot more satisfying to me the way they start you off in the previous SR games. All the starting templates looked like really androgynous to me, like the devs were trying really hard to show how woke and trans-supporting they are. None of the female templates looked particularly female to me. I just got bored with the boss creator, and didn't bother with it since I haven't bought the game yet.

I don't care about the reviews, the game looks fun enough as it is, but I am not sure how buggy it is on the PC, and that's my preferred platform for any SR game over my PS5. I really am hoping for mods, like a lot of you. I guess I'll wait for mods and to see if they fix some of the PC bugs before deciding what platform to buy.

Not sure why, maybe I am being influenced by my negative initial impressions of the CC, but all the so-called "hot girls" I have seen created, look more like trans boys. Oh and NO I am not transphobic. I am a huge supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, but being a straight male, I prefer women and girls that look like women and girls, not like what I have seen. Your character looks like either a cross dresser or one of those steroid-bodybuilder girls to me.
Feminine is always better, lol I might sound misogynistic with my preferences 😅 don’t get me wrong but when girls act masculine it kinda takes away your roll and also attractiveness. I know we’re supposed to be talking about a video game character but I just can’t get over this new change in our generation with gender being most controversial thing ever, I never thought the day would come people would get so offended or hateful if you said you prefer this type of woman including traits. It makes us gen Z seem weak like no one can tell them their wrong, and it’s false misconception that their right and it shows a lack in self worth and identity who actually are. All it tells me that their going through personality disorder. I’m not here to saw I hate them but rather being aware what’s going on you can’t always judge but sometimes a little isn’t bad as long your giving that person the benefit of the doubt, and it’s not a me thing we all need to learn form boomers as well as form our past experience and make better choices than regrets down life.

Feminine is always better, lol I might sound misogynistic with my preferences 😅 don’t get me wrong but when girls act masculine it kinda takes away your roll and also attractiveness. I know we’re supposed to be talking about a video game character but I just can’t get over this new change in our generation with gender being most controversial thing ever, I never thought the day would come people would get so offended or hateful if you said you prefer this type of woman including traits. It makes us gen Z seem weak like no one can tell them their wrong, and it’s false misconception that their right and it shows a lack in self worth and identity who actually are. All it tells me that their going through personality disorder. I’m not here to saw I hate them but rather being aware what’s going on you can’t always judge but sometimes a little isn’t bad as long your giving that person the benefit of the doubt, and it’s not a me thing we all need to learn form boomers as well as form our past experience and make better choices than regrets down life.
I also apologize if this too controversial in this thread or that im breaking any rules. But no matter where you go this will always be a problem unless we try to fix certain things because soon enough this problem years down the line won’t make much sense humans have a lot of things out to kill them.
So... how is the amazing character editor and the whole game working out for you volition? Asking for a friend.

Jesus Christ I still can't believe this. I had a beer or two and saw Saints Row 2, 3, 4, GoH in my library, so pardon me.'s just so sad.

You have your niche. Your niche is big. Why did you kill yourself?

Now I'm thinking: Post this? For what?'s like standing at the grave of your grandma, lighting a candle and talking to her. I feel like I'm just talking to myself and coping XD ...

Well, all things end I guess. RIP Saints Row...
...and RIP GTA, becuase that franchise is next.

I'm not even playing games anymore, because all games are worthless these days. Thank god I am able to make my own. I hope I'll rise from the ashes of the former glory of gaming ^^ ... here is a true bye bye :P ... ...
I think it is intentional that you can't make the same character in Saints Row 2022 that you had in previous games. That's why all the "Reboot is Death" signs in "Saints Row IV" most likely.


It seems they got the idea of "presets" from "The Sims 3", but I believe in case of "The Sims 3" the items are still fully customizable even after selecting a particular preset. Most of the nose presets were not good in my opinion, but I found an acceptable one that I was able to fully customize later. Initially I only did a little bit of customizing and only later found out that editing characters later was not allowed by default. Cheats had to be enabled to enter character editor again. But I didn't care about that and enabled cheats and was able to fully customize the nose later. 🤣

But there is "sneakiness" in "The Sims 3" character editor also, since my character ended up with a dent in forehead (between the eyebrows) after I was done. So I had to undo some of the changes I made, but even then slight dent remained. 🤣🤷‍♂️

Anyway, after playing "Saints Row IV" for the first time just recently, I see that they appear to be "Hillary" supporters. 🤣


You know, because of this - . 🤣

Later I remembered the "Kathy Griffin" photo also - . I believe her hairstyle is supposed to be similar to the one that the hairstyle from the above screenshot ("Layered Straight") replaces in "Saints Row: The Third" when you install MLVNRT's hairstyle port mod from here - . 🤣

And I also believe that the "Zinyak head stuck to hand" bug was also intentionally "added" - . I replayed that mission because of the bug and just ended up getting it again. But I was able to record the ending cutscene without the stuck head using the Sandbox+ mod - . Mainly wanted to do so because of the dance scene at the end - . 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, so yes, they appear to be "Hillary" supporters and are therefore probably also "anti-facists" (get it? get it? face = facist) and that should better explain the preset characters also I think. 🤣🤷‍♂️

I am a facist though, so was able to make "hot 3D chicks" (just recently I heard a guy on fake radio station in "GTA V" saying that they are not "chicks", etc. and that they are "women" 🤣 Edit 3: Here is the part that I was talking about). One is fully custom, but the other does have "pseudo-random" (most likely) values for cheek, chin and jaw. Did "pseudo-random" for mouth also, but ended up customizing it again. But did use the "pseudo-random" values as idea for final look. Oh, I also believe they got the idea for the "are you ready kids" part in the "Spongebob Squarepants" theme song from all the mouth presets. 🤣



Oh, and I was wondering if "Donald Trump" is gonna get "re-elected" since the version of "Saints Row IV" available on Steam now is the "Re-Elected Edition". 🤣 Volition will know that also since they have time machines for reals, dattebayo. 👍 Did I use "dattebayo" correctly? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

Edit: Forgot to mention that I am tempted to play the game because I would like to see the above characters with guns (actual guns, and not "this is gun and this is rifle" gun 🤣), but unfortunately my graphics cards have been "killed". Somebody either didn't want me playing the game, or wanted me to buy a new graphics card maybe. They wanted me to spend some "cache" maybe because refrigerator was also killed and it would have cost similar to a graphics card that I found interesting (GTX 1660 Super). If somebody would have called me asking if my refrigerator was running, the answer would have been "no" if I weren't playing the "Billy and Mandy - Brains" song for all my callers whenever I got the opportunity. 🤣

This PC does have a HD 7850 which I bought once because I didn't want to go home empty handed. But then it does not have the necessary disk space. Oh, and I was thinking that somebody probably wants me to "steal" the game also (so that they can say, "see! he is a thief!"), because the price is "too damn high" right now. And no, I do not think that "copying is theft". If they would have simply "copied" my stolen phones (LG G1600, Lenovo P780) instead of stealing them, I would still have them. 🤣🤷‍♂️

Edit 2: I made proper video of second character to avoid any "confusions". There was a girl who used to live nearby when I was a kid, who kinda looked like this character. She was keeping short hair which was curled similar to the ponytail that this character has. She may have been made to do so because of confusion caused by seeing only screenshot I was thinking. 🤣🤷‍♂️

Anyway, back then I thought that she would look better with longer hair and she eventually did grow her hair and was tying it in ponytails if I recall correctly. But this ponytail I selected because of lack of better hairstyles. Otherwise the "Layered Straight" hairstyle from "Saints Row IV" is the best looking one in my opinion. First character I already shared through boss factory after creating it (Edit 4: Aww, I can't locate it using the browser, so here is the share code: ezxcxtt . Enjoy! 👍). Upper body outfit has blue tint in it due to Spiderman video below I am guessing now. 🤣
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I think it is intentional that you can't make the same character in Saints Row 2022 that you had in previous games. That's why all the "Reboot is Death" signs in "Saints Row IV" most likely.

View attachment 35731

It seems they got the idea of "presets" from "The Sims 3", but I believe in case of "The Sims 3" the items are still fully customizable even after selecting a particular preset. Most of the nose presets were not good in my opinion, but I found an acceptable one that I was able to fully customize later. Initially I only did a little bit of customizing and only later found out that editing characters later was not allowed by default. Cheats had to be enabled to enter character editor again. But I didn't care about that and enabled cheats and was able to fully customize the nose later. 🤣

But there is "sneakiness" in "The Sims 3" character editor also, since my character ended up with a dent in forehead (between the eyebrows) after I was done. So I had to undo some of the changes I made, but even then slight dent remained. 🤣🤷‍♂️

Anyway, after playing "Saints Row IV" for the first time just recently, I see that they appear to be "Hillary" supporters. 🤣

View attachment 35732

You know, because of this - . 🤣

Later I remembered the "Kathy Griffin" photo also - . I believe her hairstyle is supposed to be similar to the one that the hairstyle from the above screenshot ("Layered Straight") replaces in "Saints Row: The Third" when you install MLVNRT's hairstyle port mod from here - . 🤣

And I also believe that the "Zinyak head stuck to hand" bug was also intentionally "added" - . I replayed that mission because of the bug and just ended up getting it again. But I was able to record the ending cutscene without the stuck head using the Sandbox+ mod - . Mainly wanted to do so because of the dance scene at the end - . 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, so yes, they appear to be "Hillary" supporters and are therefore probably also "anti-facists" (get it? get it? face = facist) and that should better explain the preset characters also I think. 🤣🤷‍♂️

I am a facist though, so was able to make "hot 3D chicks" (just recently I heard a guy on fake radio station in "GTA V" saying that they are not "chicks", etc. and that they are "women" 🤣). One is fully custom, but the other does have "pseudo-random" (most likely) values for cheek, chin and jaw. Did "pseudo-random" for mouth also, but ended up customizing it again. But did use the "pseudo-random" values as idea for final look. Oh, I also believe they got the idea for the "are you ready kids" part in the "Spongebob Squarepants" theme song from all the mouth presets. 🤣

View attachment 35733

View attachment 35734

Oh, and I was wondering if "Donald Trump" is gonna get "re-elected" since the version of "Saints Row IV" available on Steam now is the "Re-Elected Edition". 🤣 Volition will know that also since they have time machines for reals, dattebayo. 👍 Did I use "dattebayo" correctly? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

Edit: Forgot to mention that I am tempted to play the game because I would like to see the above characters with guns (actual guns, and not "this is gun and this is rifle" gun 🤣), but unfortunately my graphics cards have been "killed". Somebody either didn't want me playing the game, or wanted me to buy a new graphics card maybe. They wanted me to spend some "cache" maybe because refrigerator was also killed and it would have cost similar to a graphics card that I found interesting (GTX 1660 Super). If somebody would have called me asking if my refrigerator was running, the answer would have been "no" if I weren't playing the "Billy and Mandy - Brains" song for all my callers whenever I got the opportunity. 🤣

This PC does have a HD 7850 which I bought once because I didn't want to go home empty handed. But then it does not have the necessary disk space. Oh, and I was thinking that somebody probably wants me to "steal" the game also (so that they can say, "see! he is a thief!"), because the price is "too damn high" right now. And no, I do not think that "copying is theft". If they would have simply "copied" my stolen phones (LG G1600, Lenovo P780) instead of stealing them, I would still have them. 🤣🤷‍♂️
Even Reboot its imminent i remember... Yet its a sign but many people didnt believe it.. when i know.. oh rebooting but wait SRIV forecast its true but can it really dead ? When i see it yes
I think it is intentional that you can't make the same character in Saints Row 2022 that you had in previous games. That's why all the "Reboot is Death" signs in "Saints Row IV" most likely.

View attachment 35731

It seems they got the idea of "presets" from "The Sims 3", but I believe in case of "The Sims 3" the items are still fully customizable even after selecting a particular preset. Most of the nose presets were not good in my opinion, but I found an acceptable one that I was able to fully customize later. Initially I only did a little bit of customizing and only later found out that editing characters later was not allowed by default. Cheats had to be enabled to enter character editor again. But I didn't care about that and enabled cheats and was able to fully customize the nose later. 🤣

But there is "sneakiness" in "The Sims 3" character editor also, since my character ended up with a dent in forehead (between the eyebrows) after I was done. So I had to undo some of the changes I made, but even then slight dent remained. 🤣🤷‍♂️

Anyway, after playing "Saints Row IV" for the first time just recently, I see that they appear to be "Hillary" supporters. 🤣

View attachment 35732

You know, because of this - . 🤣

Later I remembered the "Kathy Griffin" photo also - . I believe her hairstyle is supposed to be similar to the one that the hairstyle from the above screenshot ("Layered Straight") replaces in "Saints Row: The Third" when you install MLVNRT's hairstyle port mod from here - . 🤣

And I also believe that the "Zinyak head stuck to hand" bug was also intentionally "added" - . I replayed that mission because of the bug and just ended up getting it again. But I was able to record the ending cutscene without the stuck head using the Sandbox+ mod - . Mainly wanted to do so because of the dance scene at the end - . 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, so yes, they appear to be "Hillary" supporters and are therefore probably also "anti-facists" (get it? get it? face = facist) and that should better explain the preset characters also I think. 🤣🤷‍♂️

I am a facist though, so was able to make "hot 3D chicks" (just recently I heard a guy on fake radio station in "GTA V" saying that they are not "chicks", etc. and that they are "women" 🤣). One is fully custom, but the other does have "pseudo-random" (most likely) values for cheek, chin and jaw. Did "pseudo-random" for mouth also, but ended up customizing it again. But did use the "pseudo-random" values as idea for final look. Oh, I also believe they got the idea for the "are you ready kids" part in the "Spongebob Squarepants" theme song from all the mouth presets. 🤣

View attachment 35733

View attachment 35734

Oh, and I was wondering if "Donald Trump" is gonna get "re-elected" since the version of "Saints Row IV" available on Steam now is the "Re-Elected Edition". 🤣 Volition will know that also since they have time machines for reals, dattebayo. 👍 Did I use "dattebayo" correctly? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

Edit: Forgot to mention that I am tempted to play the game because I would like to see the above characters with guns (actual guns, and not "this is gun and this is rifle" gun 🤣), but unfortunately my graphics cards have been "killed". Somebody either didn't want me playing the game, or wanted me to buy a new graphics card maybe. They wanted me to spend some "cache" maybe because refrigerator was also killed and it would have cost similar to a graphics card that I found interesting (GTX 1660 Super). If somebody would have called me asking if my refrigerator was running, the answer would have been "no" if I weren't playing the "Billy and Mandy - Brains" song for all my callers whenever I got the opportunity. 🤣

This PC does have a HD 7850 which I bought once because I didn't want to go home empty handed. But then it does not have the necessary disk space. Oh, and I was thinking that somebody probably wants me to "steal" the game also (so that they can say, "see! he is a thief!"), because the price is "too damn high" right now. And no, I do not think that "copying is theft". If they would have simply "copied" my stolen phones (LG G1600, Lenovo P780) instead of stealing them, I would still have them. 🤣🤷‍♂️
What does 3/4 of what you said have to do with SR2022's character editor?
What does 3/4 of what you said have to do with SR2022's character editor?
Just thought that some text would go better with the images. I recall images were being posted on 8chan without any text many months ago and I was confused by them. Poster could have added reasons why they were posting the images, no? Now I know that they were supposed to be answering questions that I would have in the "future". But the images I am talking about weren't very helpful since such images can easily be faked in the current_year.

Anyway, think of all the text as "reasons" for posting the images and videos of my custom characters. 🤣