So I have spent quite a few hours with the game now and I think I've formed a solid and objective opinion on the game.
In short:
Have I had fun playing it? Yes.
Has it annoyed the living hell out of me at times? Fuck yes.
Would I recommend buying it now with full price as it is? No. I would recommend buying it from a sale later on, it's really not that terrible.
Do I regret spending 60€ on it? No. Despite being anything but wealthy, it's just money.
About the negatives...
To be honest, it's hard to think of an excuse for not updating the engine to this century. Even tho it looks ok, it feels old. Some terrible pop ins and outs, shadow distance being disturbingly low which is very noticeable when driving fast. Well as fast as the game lets you.

The lighting in general is quite nice tho. I have everything maxed with DoF and motion blur turned off.
The "layered clothing" system isn't nearly as layerable as it should be. Neclaces don't show with jackets, rings don't show with wristbands etc. Having done a bit of SRTT(R) modding I have an idea how the engine handles these and this is just plain lazy programming. Cutting edge materials can't be assigned to individual parts on clothes, only on the whole piece at once. You can't save outfits, like wtf? Also, the whole style system gets all kinds of fucked up when you buy multiple clothes fast and only restarting the game has helped.
Tattoos also can't be layered, they simply cancel each other if they overlap. And where the fuck is my booba jiggle!? They let you go nipples out but them being hard as rock just looks stupid as fuck. The walk animation looks terrible on female characters...
They've taken quite a few steps backwards on this from SRTT, actually.
All that being said, I've had quite a bit of fun playing it, believe or not.
The writing isn't really THAT awful, this being very much subjective of course. Voice acting and sound design in general could be a lot better tho. I've gotten to empire lever 4 so far and spent majority of time exploring and causing mayhem which has been rather enjoyable. Driving feels good most of the time. Being a filthy casual, playing with controller having full aim assist on I won't judge how the shooting feels.
The whole story and dialogue are ok I think. It has made me chuckle a lot, in good and bad, but the most laughable lines have come from random pedestrians. I don't mind the new cast. Aboutely nothing in them strikes me as so woke or hipster that it would bother in any way. That silly student loan thing came up within the first few minutes of gameplay and haven't been mentioned since, I think. I suppose i'm in a good position regarding this because I'm in no way emotionally attached to the original saints. I mean, I liked the older games but the only character that actually has left a mark has been Kenzie. I really liked her.
All in all, the game is decent. It can be fun. It can also be infuriating. It isn't really worth 60€.