Also story too, they trying raise money for waffle maker? One of the new gang lieutenants wants to drive a hybrid car because of the environmental pollution, the other one is a painter and the last one is a cooking chief wannabe ,twitter guy? Sh........t homie , those guys calling this game HipstersRow wasnt wrong even a bit. I mean they even put an app in the game called "haters gonna rate" and when you rate ""enemy" restorants with 1 star those so called "gangs" start attacking you. Tf right? But no thats not even finished yet, that mtf Eli wont even use guns. We only saw 30 mins videos top about the story and all the things i saw was cginge af

I agree with the whole influencer concept. I've criticized Kevin and the idols in the past because the concept of being an influencer and a criminal at the same time doesn't make sense. To reiterate what I said a while ago : "Because at the end of the day being a fucking social media influencer is as far detached from Saints Row as being the fucking president."
That restaurant review thing seems interesting, I didn't know it would send gangs after you. It seems like this is the new equivalent of tagging... And that makes me sad, it makes me feel old by reminding me that smartphones and the toxic culture that developed around them since the early 2010s, now seems intrinsically linked to our contemporary works of fiction. But even without taking my opinion into account, this is a poor replacement. The intro cutscene of SR1 did an amazing job explaining to you why you would get attacked if you dared to tag over someone else's tag, now the fact that gangs would come attack you because you leave a bad review seems off, why tf would they care? Even if they have a stake in the business, why would they go to all the trouble of finding you, and beating you or killing you in public. There are way more effective ways of removing bad reviews.
The hybrid car thing is also a good one. Most criminals are inherently selfish. Why tf would a gang member who robs and kills would choose to limit himself in his choice of vehicle? Why would he care about the future of humanity when he doesn't even care about fellow human beings? Even if this is just a single inconsequential line of dialogue, it once again shows the main problem with the writing in this game : Volition wanted to give these characters a very specific more "modern" personality, and then they remembered that this was a Saints Row game and that they also needed these characters to be criminals, logic be dammed.
About Eli, I actually like the fact that he doesn't use guns, since he shot one of his friends by accident, which has a pretty high chance of happening if you don't get proper gun training.
And STAG with their nearly sci-fi tech was just fine in Saints Row the Third? I mean, one of the missions literally had us accidentally create a zombie island in the middle of the city. And the alternate ending for the game (when you let Shaundi and the others die) has us literally fight the army and Cyrus onboard the Daedelus which is what I can only describe is something out of a sci-fi movie. Does anyone in our 21st-century world have this?
And there's a mission called Deckers.Die where Kenzie literally has you plugged into a virtual reality machine? All that was just peachy in a 21st-century industrialized city?
I'm not angry, or trying to start a fight. I'm just wondering if you maybe forgot a few things in Saints Row The Third. And we're not even talking about Saints Row IV, where Kenzie can somehow learn a literal alien language of which has no Earth-bound roots (ala, Latin for the Romantic languages) and fly an alien warship presumably seconds after she (somehow) escaped on her own despite everyone else clearly needing backup from a third-party?
I'm just saying, Saints Row threw logic and realism out the window a long time ago for both the OG series and presumably this reboot as well.
I guess I should have reiterated that I hate these aspects :
"One of my favorite moments in SR3 was when STAG finally gtfoed from the game because they looked so out of place next to the other factions."
And just for good measure; I also hate SR4 as whole, not just thematically and visually, but mechanically too, but that's another story...
The difference between this game and SR3 is that in SR3 these aspects were temporary, after the final mission there weren't a single laser rifle or spaceship in sight unless YOU were using them, similarly you were the only one able to use the virtual weapons outside of the virtual world, which was tied to a single mission. (You might have a point with the zombies, although I would argue that zombie fiction is very different from typical science fiction, mainly because zombies don't clash with typical modern day settings.)
The Marshalls are more or less always going to be present since they are one of the gangs.
I don't wanna fight either, believe it or not. I just love this series.
I never said anything about what the NPCs had, I only mentioned what the PLAYER can wield. There's definitely still over-the-top gear in the game which I basically insinuated in my previous post, but for the most part you can have your own build for the majority of the game. So my point still stands .
But the problem is still the same, isn't it? The fact all of the over the top customization options are optionals is good, but it doesn't mean much when these over the top elements are still going to be pushed down the player's throat through the world interactions.
Low level grunts of Marshall that spawn in the street don't use either laser weapons or hover bikes, only the grunts at higher notoriety
That's good to know, but even then, it's the whole design of this faction I have a problem with.