SPOILERS I want everyones honest opinion

Honestly I sometimes feel like I'm playing an early access of Saints Row. The amount of bugs in this game is unbelievable
I'd had that thought cross my mind a few times. I'm used to the series being a bit buggy compared to the usual bigger releases because its just always been a bit more of a budget underdog.

I hate to jump to any conclusions on why exactly it launched in this state, Volition's history of situational misfortune has me worried another SR game had a bumpy behind the scenes.
damn, really sucks that the game is just that damn broken. i kinda felt like being very sparing with music could work with the more chill, toned down vibe i was getting from some stuff i've seen, but i guess not
I can see a really good game under all the jank, hell, I wouldn't have already dumped 40 hours into it if it weren't a good game in there. Hotfix 2 is apparently on its way and probably coming next week from what a Twitter post just stated.

So you know, if the weapons customization is fixed or something next week I'll be 200% excited for round 2 with story mode.
Whole plot and character traits deserves to be scrapped entirely and rewritten...
The dialogue in general. Every mission have'em trying to deliver one-liners up and down almost non-stop. And what makes it worse. The game dialogues looks like something that comes out of Nickelodeon sitcoms.
The boss losing every fight on cutscenes.
Not giving proper revenge for each character. Sergio and Atticus being leaders of each group they command, yet they gets dealt with in a cutscene. Sergio gettin stabbed by Nahualli and Atticus getting either shot or fired.
Eli being afraid of handling a firearm and yet becoming a murder machine after tutoring on how to use one.

There's no way to like'em even after the plot tries to appeals to emotions like:
- Telling us players what makes Neenah's Hollywood so special for her.
- Telling us about why Kevin is so fixated with the return of the Mechaburger because when the original run started he was 9yo and he was an orphan in foster care...

Santo Ileso being a Vegas-esque city but without allowing the player to partake in any casino game like Blackjack, Roulette, Poker... Is a major let-down.
Clerks not flinching even a bit with a gun pointed at their face, not being able to rob stores, melee animations being a bit delayed and clunky, pratically rendering melee attacks useless.
Physics deciding whether or not it works.
The freight train being a joke, you can't even derail that for shits and giggles, and getting hit by it on foot, it'll drag you, but won't send you ragdolling and won't kill you either.
And like it was said so many times by so many others... Santo Ileso is lifeless. Stuff only happens becaus it's the player's will.
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While there have been quite a few bugs encountered in my playthrough I overall enjoyed the game.

My only problems were the distinct lack of unique clothes and the lack of aircraft.
Imma be real, I think the character writing is fine. I find it literally no worse than SR3 and 4's writing, and the attempts to convey to me that SR1 and 2 were far more serious and dramatic have only left me wondering... Do people try to keep perspective on media they consume?

I was 14 years younger when I played Saints Row 2, that same teenager that unironically thought Boondock Saints was the peak of cinema might not have had the most critical of skill when it came to dissecting a narrative? Boy howdy, there's a lot of flaws and contrivances for literally just the sake of setting up something stupid and fun for you to do. Sometimes we get older and we get more used to spotting these tropes and such. Sometimes we get older and we realize Carlos had a pretty flimsy character.

But you know, just because we got older or more tired, doesn't mean that people coming in at the ages we were for the first time should be the same level of cynical.