Idol Ninja

I know it's been 2 years now, but when this was posted i wasn't a member then. I was more a lurker all the time, only downloading stuff.
I didn't knew Mike personally, but saw he was active here and also on the steamforums for sr2, srtt and srIV. From what i saw he was involved, a busy man and make time to answer questions and show people around. When i started playing saints row 2 i later discovered the gentlemen of the row supermod. No idea how i ended up at it, i think i read it somewhere and then searched for it. Ended then up at his own site and then also on this forum. GoTR really did help that SR2 became playable. And still playing it. Same also with gentlemen of steelport. Not as big as gotr, but also an improvement.
Rest in peace, Mike and thanks for everything you did.
I have to say it but IdolNinja, our friend and the creator of Gotr passed away today

Unnecessary opinion:
I was flipping through the forum, I was offended by how atmospheric it can be here, what kind of history is hidden behind these years, how much has happened. I'm very glad, I don't know why. I must have touched something great. In general, I wanted to express my gratitude first of all to him. Thank you for creating a story, very thank you.