SRIV IdolNinja's Saints Row IV Review

F*ck. this waiting is downright unbearable for me.
They are one piece. What you see in the IS is what you get.

Well, pish. I guess it's a good thing there's a lively and resourceful mod community that recently got official sanction and support from the developer, huh? ;)

Thanks for the swift reply, IdolNinja.
I do hope that's one of the first things to be resolved, the game's customization options feel way too samey as it is. Idol says there are six outfits unlocked in the final game that aren't in the IS? That means we have only 2 new unseen ones at best (Zero Saints Thirty, the 1950s outfit, the two spacesuits, and the superpower outfit from the previews have all been seen, so two if we're not counting both genders for the spacesuit) If we could at least separate the stuff that's meant to be separated like the DLC outfits from The Third it'd be nice.

I had feared the city would be poor. Well, like Minimaul says at the end of his review, with support from Volition you guys can turn this from an awesome game into the masterpiece we want it to be =P It's like Skyrim, the default game is very...well, after 90 hours with the unmodded Skyrim I could easily see that the life in the world wasn't very lifelike. Didn't feel organic enough. But so many people have made mods to add more life, character, and randomness to Skyrim that the PC version can feel like an actual world instead of a playground for the Dragonborn.
Once again the one thing I cant stand in a video game returns not being able to switch your powers in real time. The only reason why I cant stand playing skyrim sometimes is that one reason looks like im gonna have to spend hours figuring out this games files to try to mod it out before I can really get into it =(.

Edit: NVM misunderstading
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Top notch review, IdolNija, thank you.

This bit from your review got me a in a more elevated mood looking forward to SR4:

""Not exactly a cheat, but it's incredibly easy to mod out the aliens and make the open world spawn normal gang members instead. It's seriously only one line of code. Couple this with the cheats to remove the glitching and the superpowers and you have an open world experience that is more like the earlier gang-based Saints Row games. I do feel like Volition missed an opportunity not to add it as a cheat for console players though.""

I hope to avoid as much as that super power nonsense as possible and try to enjoy what is there. We do look forward to the day SR4 can be fixed
up to be perhaps a bit more like great elements from SR2 and SR3.
I enjoyed City of Heroes. Crazy Mad Superpowers worked there for a reason. In my gangland silly dream world I find in
SR2-3, I do not get it nor appreciate it!!

I've only recently been playing SR2, and am late to that game having been introduced via SR3 so my view of SR was 'tainted'.
I must say, I do see what SaRow vets say is a great disminishment as SR3 rolled out yet it managed to improve in so many areas.
I liked SR3 very much, overall and am now seeing with mine own eyes what was sadly dropped in Sr2.
So now they drop things beloved in SR3, one example. CRIBS.
SIGH. WTF. WHY? I can play Halo or something for space ships.

My prepay is in with Steam so I'm playing SR4 even if it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Thanks to your review and mentioning items
like what was quoted above, the bad taste might turn into something nice and minty. Thank you. It is great that they do value your
and Minimauls input and have gone with the great decision to help with a promised SDK! I'm thinking they should hire you all as
a consultant for SR V. Just saying.
The next year should be interesting for the SR game mod universe.

I'm going to repeat the suggestion if others out there are like me that are not very happy with the even weirder direction SR4 took, still toss cash
at them as it does appear they will be giving the skilled modder community needed tools. At least consider it. I did , despite my misgivings
a few weeks back, misgivings that were enhanced by more game play footage I just saw. Even though it almost appears SR4 is like
super powered giant DLC over SR3. I can live with that. Hell, I didn't play Fallout New Vegas much until certain game mods
I wanted showed up via that community. At worst, this will be the same.

One final (ya right) comment. It seems so many game developers end up on the same chain of 'diminish what was good' train when it comes
to game series. I will cite some examples. Blizzard with Diablo 1, Diablo2 and Diablo3. Somewhere between 1 and 2 they forgot what made the
prior loved by players D2 to D3? SCREAM.
(that is CODY the dog)
Command and Conquer game series. I'll just leave it at those two, I could cite others.

The consistent thing is they all drop what core elements make a game great. They polish certain aspects to make
the next better in some ways but the end result is usually dumbed down version of what was before, like watered down
wine that was watered too far.
Perhaps it is developer / author fatigue and or drugs.

Now to fire up SR2 for a bit until it crashes on me. Later.