Infinite RC Range...?

I'm pretty sure shitface changed it to 999 and it worked fine.
Alright, I decided to skip the tools and find them manually, dunno how far I should take the RC_vehicle_gun_max_distance to. 9000 seems a bit too far <.>
Should I still modify the Range_max in Weapons.xtbl? Or should I just leave it as it is?
The value in Weapons.xtbl controls how far away you can start the hack.
The value in Tweak_Table.xtbl controls how far away you can drive the vehicle once you've hacked it.

Modify either/both to suit your tastes.
Alright... You've all helped and I've found/modified everything I could.
Edit: Just tested it, It works. If you go really far with it and explode, it'll just give you the normal load and bring the camera back to you.