Into Thin Air

It's especially frustrating when you're perched on top of a skyscraper or another high vantage point; I tried sniping from the Heli-pad of the Penthouse crib. You can't get a bead on anyone. Streets just empty out. And I actually witnessed a few pedestrians dissolving -slightly disturbing.
agreed. i still haven't found any real use for a sniper rifle because of this.
Ever tried this on coop-i did once and the players all disapeared even though the game said 15 players there was no one exept me!
I always made my chara some sort of assassin, with the killshot, mcmanus, kobra with silencer and the lvl 4 d4th blossom, only weapons I can use properly ingame while being some sort of assassin ingame are the blossom and the kobra though... such a pity the draw distance is so poor for everything except the cops.:rolleyes: