Introductions may be in order

My name is Shawn and I have worked on every Saints Row we have made for the last nine years. I began as a gameplay programmer on SR1 where I did primarily activity programming, but had my hands in a variety of other things (for example I wrote the original unlockable system). Starting with SR2 I have been specifically assigned to physics and vehicle programming, playing a role in adding such things as helicopters, motorcycles, and airplanes. I have continued doing vehicle and physics programming on subsequent projects, and with SR4 I also did audio programming. Along the years I have dabbled in other systems as well, but those are my chief areas.

I'm afraid I may be a bit late to the party but hopefully I can shed some insight into a few areas.
Hey Guys, I'm Russell another Programmer at Volition. I started at Volition in '05 on SR1 doing mission scripting and working on bugs in various systems like shops and cutscenes. Since then I've worked on all the Saints Row titles working on a variety of systems.

My main areas of expertise that I'll be speaking up on will probably be: Coop/Multiplayer, Missions and Activities, Scripting, Streaming (although Knobby is way more of an expert on this than I am), some sections of the zone file file formats and a few of the miscellaneous game systems.
Another one joins the fold.

I'm Ellis, former audio testing specialist turned audio bugfixer. I've worked at Volition since November 2007, cut my teeth working QA for THQ title Frontlines: Fuel of War before moving on to internal projects. I tested PS3 diversions and co-op on SR2, systems testing and dev-side voice implementation on RFG, and I tested audio full-time for RFA and SR3. Recently I moved into the development side to help assure quality from a different angle for SR4.

Since my job deals less with content creation and more with content support, I'll be around to assist with bug reports or to help investigate other strange issues. I'm also intimately familiar with Wwise and should be able to provide some expertise on that side once we've figured out what all the audio sub-SDK release is going to consist of.

More coffee, back to work!
Hey, where is Mehrman? Wasn't he with Volition too?
Thought it would be cool to put the real Mehrman in Steelport, since there was a billboard of him on Stilwater, you know? I love Easter Eggs.
Ok, my turn. Mostly because it seems silly to keep asking Wilson if anything has come up that needs a tech artist.

I was the tech art director for SR2 and SRTT. As a consequence, I'm a master of nothing, but have a pretty broad understanding of the asset pipeline, from how they're made (in MAX or at an outsourcer) to how they hog memory or slow down the renderer.

I've been at Volition for awhile... Currently I'm back in the trenches honing my coding skills in the core tech group
Past games: Freespace, Summoner 1/2, Punisher

Edit: Oh, and docs. I love docs, because it means my guys could spend their time on tricky problems, instead of answering the same questions over and over again.