SRIV Is it possible to change the texture of the superpower glow ?

I'd like to know where is the file that allow to change the texture of the superpower glow. Because I found a something that look like a texture misalignment :
superpower texture.jpg
It appeart on the right leg (1) but not one le left (2), so I believe it's not intended. This strange form look like of the ear that we can see on the normal map texture of the player.

So if we have the tools to fix this small misalignment, I'd would like to know where is located this texture or the instructions that cause this misalignment.
In the case that we don't have the tool to fix this for the moment ... Consider this as bug report ;)
I know what I found from disabling the effect. The matfx.xtbl references player_powers.matlibx for this effect, which can be found in the "decals.vpp_pcc", "superpower_matfx.str2_pc". At that point you have "player_powers.matlib_pc" which is not a file format I'm aware of how to edit. When opened with notepad++ it appears to contain a tga normal map for all the help that can give.
".matlib" makes me think it's the equivalent of a .mat file for 3d-editing. There's likely a texture in it, but with more info as to how it's applied, etc. So, not something that will necessarily just spit out a Photoshop-friendly image file.

But, that's conjecture at this point, really. :-\
".matlib" makes me think it's the equivalent of a .mat file for 3d-editing. There's likely a texture in it, but with more info as to how it's applied, etc. So, not something that will necessarily just spit out a Photoshop-friendly image file.

But, that's conjecture at this point, really. :-\
All I know about the format is that is is a material library file. Hopefully one of the smarty pants rendering guys can help more.
I know what I found from disabling the effect. The matfx.xtbl references player_powers.matlibx for this effect, which can be found in the "decals.vpp_pcc", "superpower_matfx.str2_pc". At that point you have "player_powers.matlib_pc" which is not a file format I'm aware of how to edit. When opened with notepad++ it appears to contain a tga normal map for all the help that can give.
I've already look these file too. But, yeah, unfortunately, we can do nothing with it (for the moment ;)).

Pretty sure it is a rendering guys special for us. Maybe they can tell us about the format, I know some are lurking.
I hope they will not lurk too long. :D
By the way, thank for your reply.
The matlibx file is just an xml file that contains a block of materials, and textures assigned to those materials, that are indexed per mesh material id. The matlibx file will just crunch out a new peg file.

As far as the glow effect goes, it turns out that what you are seeing is actually an ear from the normal map of the player's base body. As the normal map layout of the players body is modified to have much higher resolution in the face, making the layout of the diffuse and the normal maps much different. This is in fact a bug only found when the glow shader is applied to the base character mesh as the uv channel that the effect uses happens to be the same uv channel as the normal map on the players body. However, the same uv channel that is used in all the clothing items do not have this issue. It is something we are looking into.
The matlibx file is just an xml file that contains a block of materials, and textures assigned to those materials, that are indexed per mesh material id. The matlibx file will just crunch out a new peg file.

As far as the glow effect goes, it turns out that what you are seeing is actually an ear from the normal map of the player's base body. As the normal map layout of the players body is modified to have much higher resolution in the face, making the layout of the diffuse and the normal maps much different. This is in fact a bug only found when the glow shader is applied to the base character mesh as the uv channel that the effect uses happens to be the same uv channel as the normal map on the players body. However, the same uv channel that is used in all the clothing items do not have this issue. It is something we are looking into.

Yeah, I noticed that the normal map texture and the diffuse texture was different, btw this is a bit of a drag when you want to edit it (texture alignement). :p
However, thank for the explanation.