Is piracy really a problem for Volition?

but in a point its a conspiracy

Anyways OT: As far as I'm concerned there are only 2 ways to go against piracy truly truly effectively, either Free2Play or making a game so awful people wouldn't want to pirate it. Volition doesn't do either to the Saints Row franchise, so pirates will definitely be there and ready to be crushed under the ban hammer. Though I don't really think it will be a large issue for Volition, since pirates will fall under the ban hammer as the best mods ever created for the game simply don't work. Second off, in the case of SRIV, they didn't spend really much money on the development of the game, at least, I assume so. When the game went on however they got the money spent on development back with a nice multiplication.

Drifting a little off the topic, Free2Play won't even be a smart move. As long as Saints Row stays away from it, the future of this fantastic series will do perfectly fine I think. I've seen what's going on in APB, while it's Free2Play (and not Pay2Win at all) - it just keeps going downhill every patch every week. Server state is terrible, population keeps shrinking, the only thing that can save APB is the mythical Engine Update it will get.
I'm just glad Saints Row is way different - way better.
I enjoyed Team Fortress 2 more when it wasn't F2P... though it's still fun. Corrodias is right though. They do cost more than mere money... you have to buy extra beer to tolerate some of the asshat griefers in F2P. ;)
I like his quote.

It's really positive and optimistic.

As a long time piracy user myself, (which thankfully I've been reducing the amount of pirated product consumption), I could say if I were developer, I could see piracy can be an advantage. It makes my product more famous because there's no limitation for my audience to use my product.
Sounds just like Pirate reasoning to me. There's no advantage for a developer if their game is pirated, ever.

orly? tell that to rockstar after me and 4 of my other mates bought gta iv after one of my mates pirated it and by doing so realised it weren't actually such a horrid port after all
So you support pirating? Have you ever been a developer? Ever worked for a game studio?
There was no advantage for Rockstar to sell 5 copies after 2 million were pirated.
not saying i support piracy (obviously), im just kinda just fed up of people immediately thinking anyone who has ever pirated something is suddenly a cheap scumbag; thats not always the case. there is circumstances, like PC users constantly being shafted with shitty ports so maybe some people pirate just to make sure the game actually bloody works before dropping £40(or sometimes even more) on it, i do understand that a very good portion of pirates just do it because they want the game without paying, i understand that, im also saying thats not ALL people who have pirated games just do it for that very reason.

and on GTAIV subject; im pretty sure R* made thier money back and more... and within my group of friends its a 1:6 pirate:legit ratio, none of us would of bought the game after hearing about how crappy it was, but we did because seeing his version told us its all just exaggerated, so IMO thats profit on rockstars part, even if 2million others did pirate it, because im pretty sure they've sold a hell of a lot more anyway