Is the protagonist superhuman in the whole series? (SPOILERS)


Generally Awesome
Here's a question for Volition employees. It's not technical, so i have put it here rather than the Ask Volition forum.

I've been wondering this since seeing the story of SR1. The protagonist exhibits unusual resilience and power, even in cutscenes. Is the protagonist superhuman in some way? Are there more people like this in the world of Saints Row?

Here's a partial list of their exploits:
  • (SR1) takes a bullet in the trunk of a car sinking into a lake, and somehow makes it out and back to 100% without needing any medical attention
  • (SR1) survives (albeit barely) an exploding boat
  • (SR2) fights Maero hand-to-hand and holds their own, no matter how unfit they've been designed, including being smashed through an apparently concrete roof and falling several meters, merely stunned.
  • (SR3) survives falling many stories on a giant, metal ball that crushes Loren (the deceleration would be nearly the same as hitting the ground itself), only being mildly disoriented
  • (SR3) defeats Killbane in a wrestling match despite having no wrestling experience
  • (every game) maintains their sanity even if they look like one of IdolNinja's characters
This is all aside from what can be accomplished in normal gameplay, which you could argue doesn't count if "gameplay/story segregation" is in effect.
I have to disagree with your point on sanity: there is nothing that really suggests the character has avoided the loony-bin, especially if you account the things they say when they talk to themself while you're standing still. But here's more superhuman feats for your list...
  • (SR3) "Hit" by an inflight Boeing 747 twice with no noticeable discomfort
  • Survived hitting the ground at terminal velocity by riding a tank dropped out of a plane at altitude
  • Survived hitting the ground at terminal velocity by riding a tank dropped out of a plane at altitude
Also, breathed in the Zombie toxin multiple times without turning..
It's because the MC is a Time Lord.

As nutty conspiracy theories go, this one actually fits in to the story pretty well - It explains near death experiences changing his appearance or gender, the secrecy of his name (Perhaps "The Boss" is the name he chose as a Time Lord?), his seeming lack of aging, and plenty of other things I'm sure I'm forgetting
I have to disagree with your point on sanity: there is nothing that really suggests the character has avoided the loony-bin, especially if you account the things they say when they talk to themself while you're standing still. But here's more superhuman feats for your list...
  • (SR3) "Hit" by an inflight Boeing 747 twice with no noticeable discomfort
  • Survived hitting the ground at terminal velocity by riding a tank dropped out of a plane at altitude

The plane was a Antonov An-225 Mriya and it's a lot bigger than a 747.
Yes, Indeed it was even stated on Saints Row Wiki.
The Protagonist displays exceptional strength and durability throughout the series. During the conclusion of Saints Row he was caught in a point blank explosion and only suffered minor burns, though his coma lasted several years.
Not only the MC, Johnny is also superhuman.
Shotgun blast in SR, killing Shogo in SR2, sword fight in SR2, fight on the plane in SR3, and *snip*. Yeah, something like that.
Sorry, saw SPOILERS in the thread title so I throught I can post some trailer info.
dont forget in saints row the third. you can upgrade yourself to be near-indestructable. the only thing that damages you when fully upgraded are melee attacks.