Is the protagonist superhuman in the whole series? (SPOILERS)

Sorry i Cant understand this BUTCHRED expression be cause english is my 2 language. :(
He is saying that the courtroom scene in the second video was poorly executed.
Poorly executed meaning it was not done very well. It's just bad.
It's because the MC is a Time Lord.

As nutty conspiracy theories go, this one actually fits in to the story pretty well - It explains near death experiences changing his appearance or gender, the secrecy of his name (Perhaps "The Boss" is the name he chose as a Time Lord?), his seeming lack of aging, and plenty of other things I'm sure I'm forgetting
I love you jk big fan of doctor who and wish there was a tardis mod like gta Sa lol
Given the number of Whovians in the company... very little is going to surprise me at this point.
Is the Boss superhuman?
It's an over the top action game with over the top action.
That is all.

I mean...James Bond never died and their are at least 20 scenes in every movie where he should die....excluding the fact that all the villains just don't shoot him. Instead they tell him about their plans and bore him long enough till he escapes somehow. Uhhhm...what were we talking about again? Ah yes. The Boss and if he is a 'normal' person or not.

Sooo...rather than asking ourselfs if the Boss is superhuman, we should ask ourselfs if (almost) all heros in every movie, book or game are from a secret superspecies whos goal is it to safe the Usa or Earth or the Galaxy....that would be boring. We like those Hero's and Heroines because they achieve awesome things with limited power so we can relate to them somehow....and Saints Row is one of the the best examples for relating to your Hero because you can actually even make him look like yourself. (I did)

Besides...IF there is someone superhuman in the Saints Row series it is Johnny motherfuckin Gat.