Joe's Tacticool Weapons!

Unfortunately I have no idea how to change the icons themselves, as for the guns functions and being able to keep them in your desired inventory space, this should mod should by all means be compatible with most, if not all, weapons function mods.
Unfortunately I have no idea how to change the icons themselves, as for the guns functions and being able to keep them in your desired inventory space, this should mod should by all means be compatible with most, if not all, weapons function mods.


I was exploring files and discovered the jackpot to change the icons.
It is in misc.vpp_pc -> interface-backend.cpeg_pc (and gpeg_pc) -> ui_bms_00.tga.DDS
MAAAN this ..mod rocks! i got bored of full silver/metal plated hand canons.. and now it rocks! thanks man! also I'm kinda new to sr3..but man does it rock..YES IT DOES.
Um, I'm new here & all. And I've only started
trying out mods for SRTT. As for this one, have
I installed it correctly? Just drag the 3 folders
into "saints row the third" folder in steam?

Because for some odd reason, my game isn't loading
the modded textures you've made...but now, I'm gonna
try installing the main folder with with 3 of the 4 folders
of the mod...then see if it works.

But if it fails again, I'll take snapshots & attach them...OK Joe?
Scrub that. I've found out how.
You failed to mention that I had
to extract the contents of EACH folder
into the root folder of SRTT...but no worries,
I've got it working & it kicks arse!!;)