Juiced Patch

V3 released
F2 - (Prints Player Coordinates to debug.txt/Console Logger)
Previously I was copying coordinates by eye from screenshots with SuperUI, so this will be really useful!
It would be nice to have the Y orientation value printed too, if possible.
F3 - (Detaches the Camera from your character)
I will absolutely be using this for my screenshots in future. No more tweaking screenshot-specific camera_free.xtbls for me!

Some kind of in-game FOV modifier would be a cool feature, if possible.
Also, disabling the "Fade Out" effect when a character gets too close to the camera would be very welcome.
-Added new option ([Graphics] > BetterAmbientOcclusion = 0-1)
Softens the ambient occlusion visualisation to provide a less smokey and realer look.
I've been retuning my personal ReShade recently, and the ugly AO is one of the biggest annoyances. Thanks for this.
I wondered why I wasn't getting the notifications seen in Spadita's screenshot. It's because they're dependent on subtitles being on.

By the way, I love the Mayhem Ching foley you've used for the F keys. $$$
Keep up the excellent work, guys!
I'm liking the additional settings added to this new version, Awesome Work Guys. I hope this continues to shine. ill probably donate 💵 at some point❤️