Just wondering, is this the complete list of guns?

I'd like to see the RC gun back myself, thing was fun. Would also like to see the airstrike back....

I'm sure we'll see satchel charges back, as well as a few of the more conventional weapons...And if you need any more proof that that page wasn't complete, where was the baseball bat? The tentacle bat? The abduction gun? The anal rape thing from the Aussie ban (Unless that's also the tentacle bat...)? The laser arm and minethrower arm that Idol mentioned? V still has a few aces up their sleeve in terms of unique weaponry, you know.
I'd like to see the RC gun back myself, thing was fun. Would also like to see the airstrike back....

I'm sure we'll see satchel charges back, as well as a few of the more conventional weapons...And if you need any more proof that that page wasn't complete, where was the baseball bat? The tentacle bat? The abduction gun? The anal rape thing from the Aussie ban (Unless that's also the tentacle bat...)? The laser arm and minethrower arm that Idol mentioned? V still has a few aces up their sleeve in terms of unique weaponry, you know.
Well then, I guess that answers my question. Thanks!
I think I read an IdolNinja post that had a weapon list in it, but I can't find it...

Here it is, in his awesome article which everyone should read or re-read.

Most weapon costumes also have different audio and visual fx when firing them which makes them feel like unique weapons instead of just skins. It really feels like you have a massive arsenal of unique weapons to choose from this time, far surpassing even what was there in SR2.

Baseball Bat (Nail bat)
Stun gun
Tentacle Bat
Energy Sword
Alien Pistol
Heavy Pistol (Cumia Magnum, DEK-RD Railpistol (Deckard, Blade Runner), The Captain (Mal, Firefly))
Quickshot Pistol (Renegade (Han Solo), Red Shirt Special (Star Trek))
Alien SMG
Heavy SMG (Gangland (Tommy Gun), Rubber Band Gun)
Rapid Fire SMG (Nail Gun, Cyborg Pistol (Robocop)
Thumpgun/Alien Shotgun
Pump Action Shotgun (Blunderbuss, Kardak Lasershot (???))
Semi-Auto Shotgun (Big Game (hunter’s shotgun), Ion Blaster (Boba Fett), Full Choke Silenced (No Country For Old Men))
Alien Rifle
Automatic Rifle (Mercenary LMG (M60), EM Railgun (Eraser))
Burst Rifle (Impulse Rifle (Aliens), Soakmaster)
Alien RPG
RPG (El Fugitivo (Desperado), Potato Gun)
Sniper Rifle (GI Sniper, Lever Action, Block Gun (Minecraft)
Abduction Gun
Laserarm Arm
Minethrower Arm
Singularity Rifle/Black Hole Gun is available in one of the diversions, but only once.
And that's what was in the preview version of the game.

I think a lot of those weapons look fun. I mostly used the Shepards in SR3. These weapons look much more appealing than the SR3 weapons.
And that's what was in the preview version of the game.

I think a lot of those weapons look fun. I mostly used the Shepards in SR3. These weapons look much more appealing than the SR3 weapons.

I saw a lot more weapon skins unlocked in the full game when I played it in LA, so that list from the preview is only a small sampling.
I hope the baseball bat gets a sledgehammer costume. My preferred melee weapon in SR2 360 until I played with GotR and its reskinned baseball bat
Just a question: are the alien guns working like the STAG lasers (overheating instead of reloading)
And a second one: Are the guns balanced now?
Just a question: are the alien guns working like the STAG lasers (overheating instead of reloading)
And a second one: Are the guns balanced now?

Some do. Others have a cooldown timer per use.

Are you seriously asking about gun balance in a Saints Row game?
The high power pistols beating an assault rifle? And any other gun... If there is no balance, well... MODS!