Keeping Weapons After Jailbreak Mission

Before you try this please backup any files you intend to edit.

It should be noted before I start that while I call the file I used Tss01 Original
it actually came from the Gentlemen Of The Row set of files so I know that it has been modified in some manner. If memory serves me I think that Mike fixed a syncing issue with one or more of the cutscenes.

As for me I want to fix what I consider a flaw in logic.

If you haven't played before than this might spoil part of the mission for you.
Also I have only played the tutorial one time and that was way back in my PS3 days so I can't remember if you have an opportunity to get to these weapons while doing the tutorial or not. I do know that you can get to them when you skip the tutorial.

(Slots: Smg, Rifle, Launcher, Thrown) The Launcher and smg Slots stay empty during the mission
and will remain empty afterward.

You will not get to keep the ar200saw it is replaced by the AR-40 XTND if you picked one up during the misson.

The extra weapons that are upstairs can be used as long as you are on the prison island but once you hit the dock you see that they've taken everything away except the shotgun, pistol and melee weapon.

To me this seems silly. The boss wouldn't collect those weapons just to leave them behind once they escaped. I fixed the mission so that he keeps them.
Here is the relevant code:

Tss01.lua (Original)

-- Remove the player(s) an assault rifle
inv_weapon_remove_temporary(LOCAL_PLAYER, "AR200")
if (IN_COOP) then
inv_weapon_remove_temporary(REMOTE_PLAYER, "AR200")

-- Remove any weapon that is not in the melee, pistol, and shotgun slots
inv_item_remove_in_slot( "smg", LOCAL_PLAYER)
inv_item_remove_in_slot( "rifle", LOCAL_PLAYER)
inv_item_remove_in_slot( "launcher", LOCAL_PLAYER)
inv_item_remove_in_slot( "thrown", LOCAL_PLAYER)
if (IN_COOP) then
inv_item_remove_in_slot( "smg", REMOTE_PLAYER)
inv_item_remove_in_slot( "rifle", REMOTE_PLAYER)
inv_item_remove_in_slot( "launcher", REMOTE_PLAYER)
inv_item_remove_in_slot( "thrown", REMOTE_PLAYER)

-- Enable all weapon slots...

-- Turn the damage bar off

Here is the relevant code after modding:

Tss01.lua (Modded)

-- Remove the player(s) an assault rifle
inv_weapon_remove_temporary(LOCAL_PLAYER, "AR200")
if (IN_COOP) then
inv_weapon_remove_temporary(REMOTE_PLAYER, "AR200")

-- Remove any weapon that is not in the melee, pistol, and shotgun slots
if (IN_COOP) then


-- Enable all weapon slots...

-- Turn the damage bar off

All you need to do is find tss01.lua (available in the Gentlemen Of The Row/Optional_mod_stuff/modified
folder) open it in a text editor and search for the lines listed above, delete the proper ones and
save the file.

Drop the edited file in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE' directory located in
Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it. Drop your compiled files in your Saints Row 2
folder and start a new game.

Note 1: I don't play coop so I haven't tested it but it should be fine as there is no difference between it
and the single player code.

Note 2: You should probobly just start a new game to use this mod. I don't see a reason that it would mess
with your game saves but since I don't usually code in lua I can't swear that it won't.

Note 3: I haven't used SeaboundSaint's Female Prison Overhaul so I'm not sure if it will play well with this mod or not.


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