Okay, just so you know, Kick Ass has to be on one of my all time favorite movies , in the Top 20 for sure (and I'm old, so that
is saying a lot).
Of course, my favorite character was that over the top super hero little girl who is now one of my favorite actress'.
What spunk.
Your video is great. Great cuts with the movie dialog. Enjoyed it and makes me want to find my Kick Ass Blu-Ray and watch again.
That was a lot of work!
Suggestion. For kick ass girl. Use a height mod to make her small like in the movie and hopefully she can pull off melee in the
game. I've not tried it in the game here with a small character (child size) . I have with a very tall one, mine is 7 foot plus tall and
she wiffs sometimes in melee, depending on situation.
There is a thread in
on how to alter height if you dont know how. Of course there is the cheat mod to make a characer tiny but that may
be too tiny. HEight mod you can customize as it is just a xtbl edit of a single line. Idol explains in that thread in a post
below in the thread I listed.
Recut with a real Kick ass girl I'll watch again!
Be sure to use that shiney clothes mod for her scenes.