Loading from Hell

take a screen shot or a video of you starting/loading the game and let me see whats wrong because i just started a new game and i didnt have a problem
DO NOT double/triple/quadruple/etc post. If you have something else to say then use the EDIT button instead of adding multiple posts in a row. There are obvious exceptions to this rule for authors of mod releases that require frequent updating, or if you are reviving an older thread with new important information.

Calm your tits, I'm only being a sarcastic asshole like always.


Edit: have you checked all your asm's are updated, iv had this problem before and what new bug you having probems with doubt ill be any help but if you post it here or point me to a thread about it, I might be able to help :)
hahaha I clicked that beadick link and its just loads of links to porn :') typical internet

and iv just been over to that thread, that is the strangest bug ever, it seems one of your files is corupted best bet as you said in post just reinstall it just hope you got decent internet speed as steam is a bitch for making you redownload your games just to reinstall -.-