SRIV low health screen effects

does anyone know if it's possible to disable the screen effects when your health is low, the same files i used to do this on red faction guerrilla and armageddon do not exist in the saints games, i know they are different games but there are files that reference rfg in sr4, possibly in the others too.

i found hud.lua that has lots of stuff for vignette and low health animation but i'm not sure what to change.
Hey Crimson,

Try tweaking this line...

--Since we don't have regen health, the vignette should match the health pct
vint_set_property(, "alpha", vignette_pct)

maybe change to if you want to get rid of it completly... or tweak the multiplier for a less dramatic effect...
--Since we don't have regen health, the vignette should match the health pct
local vignette_multiplier = 0
vint_set_property(, "alpha", vignette_pct * vignette_multiplier)

If that doesn't work, let me know and i'll dig deeper like Shaun T from beachbody.
hi, thanks for replying, i had a look in the hud.lua file but couldn't find the lines below the "since we.." lines, are they in a different file?
hi, thanks for replying, i had a look in the hud.lua file but couldn't find the lines below the "since we.." lines, are they in a different file?
I found that line in my hud.lua at line 1612. I assume that's the one that shipped(it might be in the patch packfile).
hi, sorry, my bad, i looked again and found;

--Since we don't have regen health, the vignette should match the health pct
vint_set_property(, "alpha", vignette_pct)

but the below bit is not in my hud.lua file;

local vignette_multiplier = 0
vint_set_property(, "alpha", vignette_pct * vignette_multiplier)

the file in question comes from


couldn't locate it anywhere else. (unless i missed it, so many files to look through)
You might also try this... somewhere in hud_init() look for...

local h = vint_object_find("vignettes")

proceeding that line do the following...

vint_set_property(h, "visible", false)
vint_set_property(h, "alpha", 0)

That will get rid of any screen vignettes completely.

i couldn't locate those lines to change either.
oh, doh!

i've actually got rid of the vignettes, well the ones ingame, not related to low health screen effects. i edited all the district files and set vignette amount and film grain to zero. no longer have darkened screen corners while playing now.

i'll add those lines and see what happens.

edit, didn't work, maybe it's not vignettes?

when your low on health there's a beeping noise + the screen goes darker, that's what i'm trying to disable / remove, not the beep, the screen darkening.
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