Lower Drawbridges and Disable Zombies Mod

Sorry before for my bad english, I'm french, this is possible to down all bridges except the bridges of zombie island and without disable the zombies (like a quarantine) ? Because me with this files, on the zombie island (Arapice island), i've 3 bridges up (like i want) but i've 2 bridges down.. I do not understand why, I do not really know how to use notepad++.
For resum I want all bridges down except Arapice island bridges who stay up with zombies in (and without forced trafic) that possible ? what should i change with notepad to have that ?
thank for response :)
problem resolved, I made a phone mission in Arapice Island (Luchadores) then I saved and quit and reset the game and all Arapice bridges got up and the plane reappeared, thank you very much for these files ! :D
No, unfortunately not. It makes heavy use of the LUA files, which are not part of the remaster config system. I'm not really across the modding system in remaster so I haven't been working on an updated version of this I'm afraid.
No, unfortunately not. It makes heavy use of the LUA files, which are not part of the remaster config system. I'm not really across the modding system in remaster so I haven't been working on an updated version of this I'm afraid.
oh thats okay. if you make an updated version for the remaster, let me know
Ok so I have a minor problem is that the bridges they look like they were up but they are not up, is there a way of fixing this?

Nvm the shit just fixed itself
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