Mac 10/SKR-7 ammo clip texture or model replace

Hello, well...i wanted to ask this long time ago..but i wanted to find the texture/model of the ammo clip from the MAC 10 in the mag...but didnt find anything...can someone help me? i have an image of the ammo clip of the SKR-7 or MAC 10
which tool can be used for that file?
You need to replace the p_skr9_mag (or whatever it's called) in mac-10 section of the weapons.xtbl (just ctrl f mac-10 then ctrl f clip), repackage it then define the .peg and .smesh (incl g_ variants) in the .preload file.

Don't be surprised if it doesn't work though (ctds, crashes at load etc) since gotr pushes preload and table limits pretty far to the brink of imploding, so you'd be better off just using the skr9 mag. Worth a shot though.
Yes, change it to this

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