Marry, Fuck, Kill! Saints Row Edition

Marry: My own avatar(breakin rules since my char is hot)
Fuck: Kinzie(must be pretty wild) I love her dance at the end in that outfit.
Kill: Matt, annoying.
Marry: Do I have to? Gat, maybe? He's wicked cool. D: (All them hotties to choose from ;_;)
Fuck: Matt Miller... (So deliciously awkward in person) Yummy.
Kill: Kinzie (Bossy, abusive biznatch >.<;)
Marry: Present-day Shaundi (favorite SR character)
Fuck: Viola (second-favorite female SR character)
Kill: Kinzie (so fucking annoying)
Marry: Viola- she's badass and owns a brothel

Fuck; SR3 shaundi- need I elaborate?

Kill; josh birk- god damn this guy and his presence!
Fuck: Kinzie, Shaundi (Either version)
Marry: Shaundi (SR3/4)
Kill: Definitely Josh Birk. If not for his presence, arrogance, self-absorbed personality or general dickery, it would be because the fucker would still hit on Shaundi with his "forbidden love" bullshit. Likely do it on our wedding day. (I don't think I'd need to kill him, either) :P
Hello everyone, how about we gave a fun game of...
You all know how to play this, pick one of the 3 contenders to either marry, fuck, or kill!
Let's start.
Johnny Gat
Shogo Akuji
My pick:
Marry: Aisha
Fuck: Johnny Gat
Kill: Shogo Akugi
Shaundi (to marry; she's fought by me long enough)
That drug dealer near the beach in Saints Row 2 (don't know her name)
Pierce (Saints Row 3; he's annoyingly useless in gunfights)
That drug dealer near the beach in Saints Row 2 (don't know her name)
The only drug dealers I know about in SR2 are Luz and Laura/Tobias. Neither are near any beach, though