Mega Mobile Mortar Missile Machine (Just go Mmmmm)

There is that possibility.

@Bray G
I'd like you link your Steam account to the forum, using the item called "Steam Integration" in the menu with your name on it in the upper right corner of any page. Failing that, send me a friend invitation on Steam.

Let's get a screenshot of your game's root folder so we can see how the mod is installed. You may need to run a cache verification in Steam. If you have other mods, you may need to run Stream2Update from Minimaul's Tools.

You know those rolling turret robots who are a total pain to kill because their weak spot is on their backside?
Well buddy have I got a solution for you!

The Mega Mobile Mortar Missile Machine.

Aim at your target, fire, and stay focused as those mortars come crashing down. Or just keep firing. Always firing. Never not firing.

Just download the attached zip file, and follow the instructions in the README. A nice added bonus, you also get a sick laser whip cyber pistol (my last mod - replaces the IronSaint pistol).

This is designed to work with the RPG that has it's ultimate upgrade unlocked.

If you just want to add this mod to a current one, then replace "Explosive-RocketLauncher" in "weapons.xtbl" with:

          <Flag>has light attached</Flag>
          <Flag>rocket flight</Flag>
          <Flag>dont detonate from explosion</Flag>
          <Flag>use bullet collision quality</Flag>
        <Flag>melee can dislodge movers</Flag>
        <Flag>explosions damage tanks</Flag>
        <Flag>allow offhand grenade</Flag>
        <Flag>do not hide when sprinting</Flag>
        <Flag>show reserve in hud</Flag>
        <Flag>not allowed with human shield</Flag>
      <Underwater_Explosion>Underwater Large</Underwater_Explosion>
          <npc_refire_type>2. Scale up in groups</npc_refire_type>

And in "weapon_upgrades.xtbl", replace "Ultimate - Guided Rockets"with:

      <Name>Ultimate - Guided Rockets</Name>
              <Flag>has light attached</Flag>
              <Flag>rocket flight</Flag>
              <Flag>use bullet collision quality</Flag>
              <Flag>dont detonate from explosion</Flag>

VERY EVIL DUDE ~ Nicely done ~;)
Does it work for co-op, and is their a version of the mod that doesn't replace the power armor pistol, I really like it? o_O:cool: