Mission Replay V1.1

since i edit the mission 18.lua to make peds set saints instead of police it loads infinitely :rolleyes:
so 2 file is required?
I merge these files and it didnt work because I'm maybe doing something wrong but can you give me tutorial video how to merge 2 mods in mission replay.
I'm good adding them in asm.pc (Once i added cellmission.strc, store_clothing, and character into asm.pc the game crashes on start up):eek:
edit: so can you merge these files for me wardobe changer plus vehicle customization and image as desgin fix?:rolleyes:
Did you read those two posts?
Just use Stream2Update from Minimaul's tools...
If you already have mods that use the two asm_pc files then only copy cell_missions.str2_pc and then run 'ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe'
All you have to do is put STR2_PC files in your Saints Row IV install folder and launch 'ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe' app from Minimaul's tools, it'll detect the path automatically and update all ASM_PC files for you.
Did you read those two posts?

All you have to do is put STR2_PC files in your Saints Row IV install folder and launch 'ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe' app from Minimaul's tools, it'll detect the path automatically and update all ASM_PC files for you.
never, mind i'd already downloaded your pack "Things To Do In Dominatrix" contains every mod along with lower cruise control, image as design fix, mission replay 1.1, and wardobe changer plus customize vehicles. I'm pretty darn lazy.:D
I've added in the three files into the installed game folder but I'm unable to select the completed missions/quests to replay them. Anything I did wrong?
Sorry if its already been asked but for some reason whenever I go to the missions it freezes, I can still move the mouse but thats about it. The only other mod I have is Sandbox Plus.


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Well when you start 'Punch The Shark' all you have to do is go to the ship and if you're starting it from one of the objectives they will either be in the sky, ocean or for part two it will be in front of the Saints HQ. I did notice for part three it's above the height barrier and for that you can just perform the glitch to get above it but for the other three objectives you should be able to reach them.

Can you please tell how to glitch above the sky limit ? I cant reach marker for "part 3 finale" mission.

Found this one. Is this the glitch you've been talking about ?
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Sorry if its already been asked but for some reason whenever I go to the missions it freezes, I can still move the mouse but thats about it. The only other mod I have is Sandbox Plus.
I think I found out what the problem is, you most likely already finished all the missions. If so, the game is freaking out because this mod is telling it that there are more story missions to complete but the fact that you already beat the game is telling it that there aren't.

Anyways the only way to fix this is to add more missions. To do this you gotta enable (check the box in) the 'Enter the dominatrix' or 'How the Saints saved Christmas' DLCs from the Steam SRIV DLC menu in the library tab. If they are already enabled try unchecking ether DLCs, opening the game and saving, then closing it and restarting Steam then rechecking your DLCs.

Hope this helps!
I just installed the mod and when I tried to select quests my Tab menu froze

I'm not too sure why your menu freezes it all works fine on my end. Can you please reply back with answers to the following questions. Thanks.

Do you have any other ui mods installed?

Have you completed every mission in the game?(Including DLC)

Do you own the steam version of the game?

Edit: Just checked it seems if you don't own either How the Saints Saved Christmas or Enter the Dominatrix it freezes if you have completed all main game missions.
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