Mission Scripts

I don't know how you know that but hell thank you ! Now I just have problems I don't know how to update the ASM and I don't understand the Guide from Tuts section.

If you use the convertasm tool it will convert asm files to plain text so you can easily search inside of them for each str2_pc file they relate to. Easy peasy. I also responded to your question about how to use updateasm. It's incredibly easy once you understand the parameters.
Some Mission IDs are missing from IdolNinja's list. I'll list them here:
  • mm_m1_5.lua: Initial Character Customization (starts right after m01.lua)
  • mm_p_06.lua: "We've Only Just Begun" Pierce Activity Arc's Ending Cutscene
  • mm_p_07.lua: "Pub Crawl" City Takeover Complete Phonecall from Pierce
  • mm_k_06.lua: "The Morning After" City Takeover Complete Phonecall from Kinzie
  • dlc2_m01.lua: Faster, More Intense!
  • dlc2_m02.lua: Hangar 18 1/2
  • dlc2_m03.lua: That's Not in the Script!
  • dlc3_m01.lua: Weird Science
  • dlc3_m02.lua: Tour de Farce
  • dlc3_m03.lua: Send in the Clones