Lets hew som fan. Hir ar fju Inglisz sentensys łif Polisz speling. Traj to rirajt dem korektli.I don't know why, but there was something fun about spelling the English words like they'd be in my native language. Spel da words laik dis bicoz ets fon.
Hej der ewriłan, ajw gat e litl problm. Maj Sejnts Roł For dasnt łork at ol after aj instold Finks Tu Du In Stilport mod pak end aj hew noł ajdija łaj. Ajw trajd ewrifing - werifajing de kesz or iwyn reinstoling de gejm komplitli - bat stil nafin. Its a ritejl werszyn soł it ejnt on Stim, aj bot it on Amazon. Eni help łud bi grejtli apriszijejtyd, feńks in edwens.