mod request: more weapons and upgrades


this is kinda the extended list that i posted on GoS topic

Burna-89: a pistol that fires strong bursts of plasma at the target.
discription :"well we just took a viper rifle and sawed it in 2. nuff'said

upgrade 2: takes longer to overheat, more damage
up 3: increase rate of fire, more damage
up 4 : hot lasers ( thermal stuff) and better hip fire aim

P0-phd: sniping laser, is a explosion weapon due a small explosion and instant vehicle destruction ( unless its a tank)
can only fire once before overheating , unless you upgrade it to lvl 3.
discription: "we took the casing of a laser rifle with a scope and filled it to the brim with energy generators, however, we let out a decent cooling mechanism

up 2: allows a decent hipfire
up 3: increases the cooler, allowing you to shoot 3 vehicle popping bullets

V-laser: technicaly the microwave laser of the f69 Vtol. same dmg but can only fire 3 seconds straight.
discription: "we left Kinzie alone with one of our only F69 vtols. all that was left was this and the chair."

Up 2:4 seconds of fire
Up3: 5 seconds of fire
Up4: leaves a trail of fire, 8 seconds of fire

The plasma variant of our good ol annihalator. fires a shell equal to the crusaders one. uses ammo with clip ( see reason in discription)
discription:"We left Kinzie alone with one of our only Crusaders. all that was left of it was this and a tire. needs gunpowder to supply all the heat the engine of the crusader normaly would supply. "
Up 2: changes max ammo from 1/3 to 1/6
Up 3: Lockon system, laser guidance
Up 4: gives it the 5 double shot of the F69 vtol

RR-pdr: minigun of lasers, and the fastest rof in the game, but relatively weak and low level have crappy accuracy. weights down movement speed.
Discription:"take a Viper, do it times 6, and you have this mutha"
Up 2: more damage
Up 3 : WAAAAAAAY better accuracy
Up 4: light weight

Non-laser weapons
8-bit blaster: made out of the same green bits of the APR tank, but smaller. shoots the cube at your enemys
discription:"we accidently broke of the cannon of a APR. what? those things are made out of bytes with the density of paper!"
Up grade 2: speeds up projectile speed
Up grade 3: better Rof ( it doesnt have clips, just 10 bullets)
UP grade 4: laser guidance ( no lockon)

Fire storm GLG20: a lighter GLG20 with molotovs
discription:"your GLG20, a truckload full of molotov cocktails. nuff'said"

neutronium brick: A brick with a mass of 100000 . trowing it on a car wil make it sink in the ground and shoot up as a rocket when it rols of ( tested this in SA2)
only upgrade increases trowing lenght and speed. ( is also and explodive weapon , like satchels)
discription:"a brick made out of frigin neutronium. how is it i can even carry this thing?!"

STAG drone : a reaper drone with a magnetron laser instead of missles. alll upgrades decrease overheat time.
Discription : " another nice thing we found on the thermoplaiy. not as effective as rockets, but more durable and precise"

Cluster cannon: shoots a cluster bomb much like the airstrike, but then from your cannon. can be auto detonated in midair with detonation button

tetris bomber: a airstrike that levels the terrain tetris style.
discription:" Kinzie can't be serious with this"
upgrades kinda the same as the original airstrike

More Upgrades:
bugged me that some weapons have no upgrades at all, so i made some ideas for ups

Taser upgrade: gives it a electric explosion and longer range
Nocturne: gives it ( if possible) more animations and a electric stun for each attack.
Cyber smg: first ups the cooler, second the ROF and damage, third gives it explosive bullets (smg + explosive bullets= hell)
Reaper drone: 4th up gives it infinite fuel ( the rocket can cross trough steelport 5 times before you lose it)
Cyber blaster: full charged attack gives it the same explosion as the shock hammer
Sonic boom: first 2 ups gives it a better ragdoll, third also a quicker charge, and the fourth gives it infinite range ( the low range always bugged me, this could be fun vs helis, pushing them into a building)

thanks for taking the time to scroll to the bottom
personal isue with this list, the mass brick? change anti-matter to neutronium, anti-matter ahnialates in contact with matter causing a massive energy release (0.5g of AM+ 0.5g of matter would releace aproximately 90 Tj or the equivelent of a 500 kila-tonne bomb. neutronium on the other hand is made entirely of neutrons and thus is VERRY dense haveing a mass where 1 teaspoon (5 milileaters) would mass in excess of 5.5×10e12 kg or about 500 times the mass of the great piramid of giza
sorry, psysasist, felt this needed to be said hehe
one a more serious note, dam fine list and i hope it can be implemented. one concept i thought of was a multiple missile launcher, sort of a had held version of the helecopter one, but with a fire limit of 4 (upgradeing to 6 and then 8) but unguided, just a thought
Well, neutronium only works inside a neutron star, as it's held together solely by its own gravity. Also with no protons or electrons, wouldn't it be unable to interact with photons and thus invisible?
"sorry, psysasist, felt this needed to be said hehe"

also dyslexic and incapable of spelling corectly. (by the way i apologise for diverting this topic, the original idea realy is a good one, i just occasionaly need an outing for my particular sense of humor)