It's a bit tedious to do, but you can update asm files manually. First, you'll have convert the asm into an xml. Then, you can edit the xml in something like Notepad++.
For simplicity's sake, I used the intro cutscene (01_In), and edited its xtbl file.
I swapped the punks (PNKx) with Saints Flow mascots, and the actual Saints Flow mascot (FLOW) with Gat:
Once you've saved the file, note down its Size (Right Click > Properties):
Now, you'll have to find the definition of your container in the xml, and in the Primitives sections update the size of your file:
Update the file size in the Sizes section as well (it'll be the first one, since it's also defined first in the Primitives):
After you've packed your container, note down its Size, too (Right Click > Properties):
From the actual Size you'll have to subtract the DataOffset value to get the CompressedSize of your container:
5,463,888 - 53,248 =
5,410,640 <- This should be the new CompressedSize
After all this, you can just convert it back to an asm, and put it into your root folder along with the new container.
And the result: