Wait, wait, wait. Blackbeard's ship, the Queen Anne's Revenge, is a spawnable character?!
yeah, funny thing, if you go to the character.xtbl file, its the first entry there.
Wait, wait, wait. Blackbeard's ship, the Queen Anne's Revenge, is a spawnable character?!
literally just shove that into the city_init or city_main function.Could i ask how you called "customization_create_character()" in the sr4_5_city.lua?
Another small thing that I'll probably never understand about Volition. Well, I understand the humor in doing that, though.yeah, funny thing, if you go to the character.xtbl file, its the first entry there.
Another small thing that I'll probably never understand about Volition. Well, I understand the humor in doing that, though.
Even if it's hard to find, I guess.There's always a reason.
literally just shove that into the city_init or city_main function.
awesome!, how do you activate it in game?Well i think today has been very successful.
Wow, finally I can call Gat out of Hell a true Saints Row game!Well i think today has been very successful.