Mods Ideas

A custom radio mod. having a custom playlist that you can toggle on foot or in the car by pressing the LS on the pad.
Blasting LEGION while listening to STYX's "Renegade" or drifting down the streets of Seoul while Gnarls Barkley is
flowing through your speakers.
An easy way to make custom radio playlists would be pretty sweet. That and a mod that puts a turret on every agency vehicle so car combat is less awkward.
I haven't even thought about turrets before! I was thinking about shooting from the windows, but turrets would actually fit perfectly with vehicles like the Pulse and Eiswolf.
Awesome idea!
Playable Persephone (either over another agent's class / abilities -or- with a combination thereof)
City chaos (mod peds; aggressive peds; more enemies)
Custom loot locations
General cheats (e.g., higher jumping; longer range weapons; death on zero HP)
The more I play, the more it looks like it'd maybe be easy to setup some of the other rigged models as just individual agents that are playable? I assume that since weapons all have unique animations that the jobbers and troopers from Legion would be swappable for play too.
You, Flow, Quantum, Admixon, and so many people here continue to amaze me.
I still lament to learn that it looks like there are no xtbl files to be found just yet, 90% of my modding was done in that format. I was hoping to get to poke around the code and see how easy it'd be to try and generate things like unique agent entries. I bet it wouldn't be a ton of work to make playable characters from some of the other models in the game. It doesn't look like the weapon models are rigged to the characters thankfully.