I would like to be able to find more of the clothing options you see NPC's wearing for sale in the stores, especially the skirt/saints jacket combo you can equip your gang members with in customization.
As for guns, changing the AR 55 from burst fire to basic full auto/sing shot (one bullet with a quick tap of the trigger) would be a huge improvement. As it is with level 4 upgrades The enemy I'm shooting at is often dead by the 1st or second bullet to the brain pain and I piss away the remaining 3-4 rounds, so being able to fire fewer shots if desired would be preferable. (Turning it semi auto at level 4 would work too)
As an alternative tossing a copy of the Mcmanus 2015 into the melee slot would work for me too. (Yes I know it;s not a melee weapon, but honestly the take downs and unarmed attacks are of such quality a melee weapon is often unneeded and I'd rather have a sniper rifle instead of a giant dildo.
As for guns, changing the AR 55 from burst fire to basic full auto/sing shot (one bullet with a quick tap of the trigger) would be a huge improvement. As it is with level 4 upgrades The enemy I'm shooting at is often dead by the 1st or second bullet to the brain pain and I piss away the remaining 3-4 rounds, so being able to fire fewer shots if desired would be preferable. (Turning it semi auto at level 4 would work too)
As an alternative tossing a copy of the Mcmanus 2015 into the melee slot would work for me too. (Yes I know it;s not a melee weapon, but honestly the take downs and unarmed attacks are of such quality a melee weapon is often unneeded and I'd rather have a sniper rifle instead of a giant dildo.