Muscle and Fat Body Slider Extension (with Optional Breast Slider Extension)

After much tinkering with .xtbl files I have restored the muscle and fat sliders to something resembling normal while keeping the breast sliders as excessive as the level 2 expansion. Anything more excessive is easily possible but I'm not going to do it because it causes problems with the mesh. Essentially the player model is not detailed enough so anymore expansion causes things to become... polygony.

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I need help. I really only want this Mod, I might find -other- ones I want, but this is primarily the Mod I came looking for. However, for the life of me, I can't figure out where the "VPP" file I'm supposed to put these two files into is. Can anyone give me some instructions on how to install this mod?
I need help. I really only want this Mod, I might find -other- ones I want, but this is primarily the Mod I came looking for. However, for the life of me, I can't figure out where the "VPP" file I'm supposed to put these two files into is. Can anyone give me some instructions on how to install this mod?

You don't have to put anything back into vpp archives. The game is designed so that it will load loose files from the root of the install where the game exe resides. Simply extract the files there.
Oh... Thankyou Idol! :D If it's that simple, I'll definitely be partaking in more mods! I was worried it was some immensely scary operation.
Grettings guys.
I'm uploading a macro I edited based on the ones in this post. I think I kinda maxed the breast size without having too many mesh irregularities. In case you want to try and edit it yourself just open it with notepad and search for "breast" and change the parameters within the <Morph_Key> blocks. Also, you can add or remove more blocks by coping and pasting the ones already in it. Doing so will increase or decrease the breast size.
I also edited the muscle, body fat and skinny blocks. Since, I only want my character to have really big boobs I don't really need muscle and body fat. The skinny block has a parameter that makes clothing slightly larger than the breasts, that way the chest area won't look as if it were torned.
So far I'm satisfied with what I've managed to do, however, a particular dress kinda bothers me how it looks like with the enhanced breast parameters... Yeah, it's the elegant courture, one shoulder looks massive compared to the other :/, any idea about where it is stored so I can mod it?


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Here are some screen shots of my character with almost max breast enhancement.


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First off, it works on male characters too.

Secondly, is there a mod that does the same except for skinny characters? I want a skinny character. I can't get a skinny character. Sad days.