My own Saints Row: The Third Styled Main Menu Background Mod

After discovering a mod had disappeared from a link made by NICK240p, it seems google drive have deleted his mod so I've decided take it upon myself and try to recreate his mod.

Simply put the video files in the SR2 videos directory and put the other files into your 1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE then rebuild patch.

DOWNLOAD: Mediafire:

Download, Google Drive:

SR2_pc 2018-08-25 12-27-18-55.png SR2_pc 2018-08-25 12-27-25-41.png SR2_pc 2018-08-25 12-27-49-33.png SR2_pc 2018-08-25 12-28-05-67.png

Notice: I do NOT take credit for making this mod, the credit goes to NICK240p.
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It's about time for this background to be reuploaded! :) Honestly the main menu looks a lot better with this mod in my opinion. Also how did I not notice this 7 months ago? Lol