My thoughts on SR:GOOH

GOH's map looks better than what it used to be on SR3 and IV. There's some places i can't wait to visit! :)
But yeah: I miss the Boss as a playable character too and i miss what SR used to be.
I'm a fan of every single SR games but i think SR2 was the best one. Well-balanced between serious things and humour.
I wished they used the old SR engine to make a new one for Psvita. It would be just awesome! *.* (Having SR2 available for those who don't have a PS4 would be nice too)

About SRV: i hope they already started it one year ago and that's why they made GOH: to make us wait.
I'll just post TLDR summary and not bother with expansive explanation of my feelings.

Never again. Not after being lied to on pre SR4 release about wonderful things in the future regarding PC mod support.
Never again will I pre-order from Volition any product they bray about . I had doubts I would fully enjoy SR4 pre-release, bought it
pre-release based on braying announcements from various quarters about wonders to come for PC community, and found out

I was right, the game let me down greatly from SR3. The ONLY saving grace , to be honest, SR4 was the mod community HERE
that fixed the game up as best they could to make it playable and enjoyable.
It was almost as good as SR3 in some regards, once modded correctly.
SR3 was great, but again, it only truely shined once modded. YEah, and who did all that? Was it anyone from Volition? No, I don't think so, that
was all done by great talented fans of the game and with support of a excellent supporting forum here at this site.

So how do I feel about SR5.
Not good, and I won't be considering it at all until well after release. From what I see at present, it will just enrage me and I can't forget
what was said over a year ago by Volition regarding great support of mod community.
So, I won't be shilling for them out of stupid ignorance fan-boyism ever again on forums elsewhere or here.
You taught me that.

Yah, that was the TLDR summary.
We need a tl;dr for this...
tl;dr too many letdowns, too many promises that haven't come true, no bright feelings on SR V.

Um... So it's rated 16+? :O
No more possible nudity because of no customization.
Since the game hasn't come out yet, it wouldn't be right to simply judge it now without actually experiencing the gameplay. Just because you aren't playing as the Boss or have customization doesn't mean the game will turn out crappy.

While I haven't played Gat Out Of Hell myself, yet I'm fairly certain that playing Saints Row from a different angle is what I am interested in seeing and will enjoy, because I have actually wanted to play as Gat for a while myself. Many of you may disagree with that idea of doing games like this, it doesn't mean that you will actually dislike it. I admit that there are some things from the previous games that should be put in, but those are only minor to me, however understandably different to most of you.

While Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row: IV didn't carry that much in doing things or so I still liked them myself. I like Saints Row because it actually seems like it relates to my inner personality in a way. Its insane in a fun way to me, and makes me feel less alone in ways.

Well, not all games are appealing to everyone, especially sequels at times, or standalone expansions. I can't deny that there are reasons to not like the game so if you don't want it, it is for a legit reason.

We'll have to see what the fans that play it say to see whether or not it is a worthwhile game to buy. I already pre-ordered it myself, because I actually enjoy all the games, despite the lack of elements that have come out.

It is understandable if you aren't interested in the next game, but it doesn't mean that Saints Row won't improve in the future. Gat Out Of Hell could be a final expansion before something a lot bigger and more awesome comes along.
I know, that's what i'm saying.
Not every SaintsRow title will be for everyone, i don't have to wait for what the fans say because i already know that Gat Out Of Hell isn't for the SaintsRow title for me.

I hope you & all who buys it will enjoy it, but it's a pass from me.
Think of it like that episode of Buffy the vampire slayer where it was nothing but singing.

I liked Buffy the vampire slayer but i didn't like that episode.
Now just because i didn't like that episode doesn't mean i'm not interested in the series as a whole or didn't continue watching after that episode.
It just means that episode wasn't my cup of tea & that episode didn't make the entire series bad for me.

Exactly a fair point I like to hear from someone. Your perspective is a fair one, and I wouldn't complain about it at all. :)