Need help locating a model in the files!

You'll need the unpackage.exe and unpackingGUI.exe from here:

Its easy to unpack the files with the gui.exe then you'll need the 3dsmax importer also available in the tool section.I havent got the files anymore also i did just edit the .dds but not the meshes,so you have to do it by yourself.

Also youll need 3dsmax cause the importer is for the max and we have no other import tool for the mesh files as far as i know
I see, my issue is I downloaded the tools but I dont have the extract gui.exe to run
Ok.I'll attache the sr3importer ifound on my system.They wehre made for sr3 but will work with sr4 files too.
The extract gui is also downloadable at the same place.


Belongs on what max version you have.I use 3dsmax 2010 and use the 2010 one.Dont know if the newest one works with older versions
Unpack the attached .zip into the sr4 main folder.
This version i used for my mod


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ok so I have the file I needed now I just need it turned into an obj which I did using a tool in the tool section however I need the textures that arnt there
You need to unpack the *.cpeg_pc files with sr3unpackTextures.exe.