Generally Awesome
Considering the game's practically useless without mods, i can see why they made an exception. They don't actively try to keep us out. There's not much else nice i can say. They're wholly owned by THQ, so it's not exactly surprising that things aren't run the way i'd like.
Note that Volition was purchased by THQ in 2000. That's after they released Freespace 2, apparently an extremely moddable game. They even released the source code in 2002 since they no longer had the rights to the Freespace IP, so they couldn't make any more games with it. Volition used to be really cool. It's been 10 years since 2002... man, i hope that doesn't make me sound dated.
Note that Volition was purchased by THQ in 2000. That's after they released Freespace 2, apparently an extremely moddable game. They even released the source code in 2002 since they no longer had the rights to the Freespace IP, so they couldn't make any more games with it. Volition used to be really cool. It's been 10 years since 2002... man, i hope that doesn't make me sound dated.