SPOILERS Need Help With Glitch In Ben King Loyalty Mission

I have not gotten any farther than rescuing Gat, so I am not up to date. Please refrain from spoilers.

When I do Ben King's loyalty mission, everything runs fine until the 1st fight with Tanya.
When I fight her, it's fine until she gets half health. Then she's invincible, and will not attack me or even move.

Please help, I need to do all the loyalty missions and I cannot continue because she does this every time. I have retried the mission twice, then I continued the story a bit more to see if I needed to complete a few more story missions before I did it again. No use.
Okay, I tried what was listed. Still did not solve it. Tanya seems to have gotten in the same situation all the 3 times I tried.
I had the same issue. Tried multiple times restarting the mission, etc. I even tried going to some other missions and coming back to this one. I was finally able to get past her when I restarted from the last checkpoint after she froze up (which I had done before) but this time I used the rock stomp and bare nickels. I attacked just until she was close to halfway and let her shields regenerate. I then did one more stomp to drop her shields and it was enough to bring her to 50%. She ran as expected and I was able to finish the mission.

I've had similar issues in other levels ("loyalty-the girl who beat Cyrus" for example) and it just seemed like I had to not deliver as much of a beating to allow certain triggers in the game to work properly.

Hope this helps.
I had the same issue. After I locked the 'murica gun, I thought it would be a great way to defeat foes very quickly. The only problem is that if you defeat them TOO quickly, it doesn't seem to trigger the next event. MAKE CERTAIN that you are using the lamest gun you have.
Hey everyone, about a year later, here I am. This glitch has already been patched, and the issue is resolved. I want to delete this thread if possible.
If you really want the thread deleted then I will, but we generally don't delete threads because the info within can be useful to others.